The Collection of Divine Messages - 6/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

51 - The Supreme Being teaches: I am grieved by the division among you.
Tây Ninh Holy See, the 5th day of the 5th month of the year Mậu Thìn (6-22-1928)

Your Master is here!
Children, each of you have chosen your own path. I am grieved by the disagreement among. I shall leave you alone to decide how to be: virtuous or evil. If you are of a determined and strong character, the Tao would be in harmony, and you shall advance toward My presence; if you vacillate in your virtue, the road of notoriety shall lead you to the abyss. Expending your strength on dividing yourselves would simply exhaust you; you would have nothing left over to uplift, support or counsel one another

The fair and just path that can save living beings is the path of the Tao. The divine light is always illuminating that path for you. It’s totally averse to Evil. Remember My words. Do not neglect them, but instead contemplate them carefully in order to understand.

What a disaster! Many times you did not heed My words, and I was heartbroken to see you get lost. Alas, such challenges must be put to profane minds!
(p. 163, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

52 - The Supreme Being teaches how to refine sugar in comparing sufferings to black sugar.
Holy See, the 11th day of the 5th month of the year Mậu Thân ( 6/28/1928 )
H…, let me tell you how to refine sugar. Do you know how to make black sugar into white?

(H…H… Master, I don’t know).

Pour black sugar into a jar with a hole in the bottom until two-thirds full. Then fill the jar with mud to the rim. Expose the jar to the sun for one week. When you remove the mud, you will have sugar all sparkly white and delicious.

Your sufferings are like this sugar*, My child. Do you know that I have wept as you do?

If I had not, how could you be My child? Just remember that I love you; that would be enough. You should not trade the love of the world for My discontentment; rather you should suffer the hate of the world but deserve instead My love. What would you gain if you meet with My discontentment?
C…, CH  Take care of the meditation hall along with your younger brothers.
T…, you have become lazy!
C…, call your two older brothers to attend the great corbeille à bec. Don’t let them continue to be skeptical!
(p. 164, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

*Comment from the translator: the heart exposed to sufferings would be purified like the sugar under the mud.

53 - Tiêu Sơn Taoist teaches: Be cautious of your steps so that your efforts are not wasted.
The 4th day of the 6th month of the year Mậu Thân ( 1928 )

You are a ship aware of its own destiny,
A soul tossed on tempest’s wave.
It’s time to pray for God’s mercy,
As one who recalls the blessings He gave.         
                        Tiêu Sơn Taoist

The Tao has just passed through many difficulties; however, it is still endangered. Be cautious of your steps so that your efforts are not wasted.

Know yourself, know the Tao. Know the situation, know the people; know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, in order to adjust your actions.

The Tao is not yet manifest because people still lack virtue. Virtuous people lack clear vision. Intelligent people lack godliness, modesty, sincerity. People on the whole still yearn for wealth and honor.

Bustling upon the same road, pushing toward the same destination, most fail to yield to one another. Those who are downtrodden are accosted by others sure of their bearings; others rush forward without heeding pitfalls. In this situation, nobody wins, no one is wiser, and the road to Glory is deserted. Persons of evil hearts and stained souls are incapable of guiding others on the right path. Do not count on the notorious as exemplars; better to take account of yourself.

The followers of the Tao have witnessed dignitaries engendering separation; this is the fruit of evil minds. The Hiệp Thiên Đài, a miraculous and precious organization, has become useless because of the errors of some dignitaries. No wonder the Tao is in turmoil! The Hiệp Thiên Đài is supposed to be the foundation supporting the Tao but is no longer trustworthy, dooming the Tao for the foreseeable future. The world has become a nonsensical realm where might makes right. Be careful!

The Hiệp Thiên Đài is headed by the Supreme Being, Who bears supreme judgment over all. The New Code is still deficient because dignitaries from the Hiệp Thiên Đài do not themselves heed it. This chaotic situation has resulted in the power of the Cửu Trùng Đài. You will receive more instructions later. Many parts need clarification.

If you followers know your limits and keep yourselves from defaming the Tao, you will hold its miraculous key in the future.

Transgressions will receive judgment; good works will be rewarded. Try to maintain your position. Try to understand Me.
(P 164-165,Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

54 - Chơn Cực Lão Sư teaches about the destiny of the Tao.

Chơn Cực Lão Sư (Taoist Master)

Greetings to followers:
You have listened to Holy Teachings regarding the destiny of the Tao. Have you understood the forthright goal of the Tao? M.N., try to tell me.

It’s the administration. How about the goal? What is cooperation for? What is brotherly love for? You understand, but not profoundly.

You should know that before spreading the Tao to foreign countries, you have to develop a secure connection with people of this Southern country, to guide them out of this suffering world and create a peaceful life. At that time, just like birds returning to their nests, and fish to the streams, people will climb back upon the spiritual ladder.

As long as there is no concordance in the Tao, people strive to control each other rather than show the way with a clear, impassioned mind; the disciples remain greedy and base-willed, attracted by honors and wealth.  The Tao cannot succeed under such circumstances, and none of you may find the way home to your divine position. You disciples need to be selective in your choices to find people with sincerity and determination to cooperate in building a common house, so that sometime in the future you may enjoy the prosperity of the Tao, rather than still subsisting on the physical plane, frantic in mind and spirit all day with no time to think about the future of your souls.

The Tao is not a funeral home nor a market; nothing is for sale here as you may have thought.

What a sadness! Some followers are as ungainly as a newlywed stumbling blindly into the bridal chamber for the first time, both mind and feet numb. Some untalented souls still battle with and denigrate each other, only proving themselves inferior.

Out of love, the Supreme Being has sown seeds of the Tao, to bring the lifeboat ashore for all people to sail to Nirvana.  But how can one who cannot comprehend escape drowning? The Tao deteriorates with the separation between people; though gathered from many disparate places, you must finally reconcile the disparities between yourselves.

M… N… Use rituals as instructed at the Cầu Kho’s séance. Do not invent new ones

(Văn Pháp addressed….)

Indeed, but there is still insufficiency. You need to abandon anything that is not useful save the music and the solemnity of the rituals.

There is still deficiency in the music as well. The music for greeting Superior Spirits should be different; musicians should dress cleanly and purely, and musical pieces should be played in clear harmonies. You should improve it.

You should not attend any temples where the rituals differ from these instructions.
(p. 165-167 , Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

55 - The Supreme Being teaches: You would be awakened, realize you have strayed, and return to the right path.
Cholon, July 28, 1928 (year Mậu Thìn)

Here is your Master, children!

You have been without My holy teachings for quite a while now. I felt your desire for Me to come back to guide you. I am sad to see you children foundering in this mundane existence.

Children, out of love, I guide you like a father raising a child, watching them grow, expecting them to mature into a great person, leaving their name to future generations. The manifestation of the Tao greatly moves My authority, My honor, even My position. I am glad in your success, sad in your failure, and I suffer when you suffer. In this world, both contentment and repentance are like rivers and mountains that I created. They may merge, rivers into rice fields, mountains into valleys and oceans, sadness into elation, fame into ignominy and scorn, peace into disasters.

I have mercy for those of you who dare to denounce your secular life, to follow Me to guide your incredulous younger brothers and sisters. But alas, how cruel mortality! A lowly insect may ruin a golden harvest; the men at the helm of karma can founder even the Heavenly Lifeboat. I hope you may understand.

Children, the more I am moved by your sincerity, your impartiality, and your modesty, the more I would like to erase all cunning and treacherous people, who are always running after honors and wealth, from the Earth. Alas! I have belabored myself over your plight, hoping each of you would be awakened, realize you have strayed, and step off your interminable paths to return to the right path and follow Me once more. That would please Me most.

Tr…, Don’t fret! I have pre-arranged an appropriate position for each of you. The disaster will soon be over. Take comfort and be at peace so that I can rely upon you. Understand My divine authority is reserved to guide all of you, not for its own sake. Be of noble mind in order to bear the hardships which befall all beings.

Secular life is mundane and rife with temporal attractions, but the Tao is eternal.

Weigh the true importance of matters taking place in the illusory world; trust in Me. I have arranged your life and your destiny.

Tr…, you understand?

Tr…, try to console your spouse, and follow Lý Bạch‘s words. Those are two matters that I entrust to you.

Blessings to you all.
(p. 167-168, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

56 - The Supreme Being teaches about the current situation of the Tao as a disease. Everyone likes to enjoy personal sovereignty and to fight against you.

Cầu Nhiếm, the 19th of the 6th month of the year Mậu Thìn (August 5, 1928)

Your Master is here, children!

Tr…, Th…! You two have dedicated your time to travel to spread the Tao, yet you don’t comprehend the current situation of the Tao. The Tao presently is an undiagnosed patient at the threshold of malignancy; without treatment, the malady expands from within, unrecognized, with deadly power over the life of the patient.

You might think the Tao has prospered, but there is internal poverty.  Consider the Sở dynasty trying to control the Tần dynasty; in the Sở dynasty, people are divided behind an aura of external strength. If this division is not rectified, the Sở dynasty will fall. Everyone likes to enjoy personal sovereignty.  No different for spokesmen of the Tao, but they become like merchants battling merchants for ownership of the goods! What is the reason for such a farce? They lack self-regulatory skills, are arrogant and thirsty for high titles and honors, and do not possess the necessary virtues to administer people, thus creating animosity. You two should realize this weakness and find ways to create harmony and cooperation between disciples so that they would look to the Holy See and pray for blessings. Each of you has the responsibility to cease your own hatred, correct your attitudes, rally educated persons to the cause, and lead people to recognize the pricelessness of the Tao. In time, vacillation will yield to surety, the few to the millions, and the guidance of disciples will hold sway in the face of obstacles.

One day of delay in the spreading of the Tao means one day of harm to the people. If each of you keeps causing animosity among people, the Tao would become a farce, and when would there be completion? When would the Tao be spread across the Earth?

If you still harbor confusion within, how can you create harmony without? You are well aware that since antiquity, anything going against people’s hearts would not last. The practice of cooperation in peace should be the only practice to be applied to the Tao.

The arrogant want only to be served; they care not for the humble or modest among society. Such are the kings who destroy their own kingdoms. Organizing a congregation is not much different from organizing a country; in fact, your duty and responsibility are greater and more difficult. You must correct yourself, and reconcile with others so as to prevent the destruction of the Tao. Create harmony, cooperation, solidarity and freedom among people. This would be the most precious achievement ever.

Out of love for living beings and empathy for all your striving, I have no heart to let the congregation deteriorate, but if among you, no one takes the responsibility to create harmony, then animosity between people would cause chaos, ruining My efforts of guiding you since the beginning. Then would you drown in the ocean of suffering evermore. If you won’t love one another, then the more numerous, only the more turmoil, animosity, and disparities you would create, until you all become totally useless. Understand!
I bless you all.
(p. 168-170, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

57 - The Supreme Being teaches about precept "Not to kill"
The Year of the Earth Dragon (1928)

Children, your Master proclaims:

I have told you that when there was nothing in this universe, the cosmic ether gave birth only to Me, and My throne is the universal monad. I divided the monad into the diad which is Yin and Yang, and then into the tetrad and then into the eight trigrams. The latter changes continuously to form the universe. I then divided My spirit to create ten thousands things, constituting the elements, and finally living things: plants, insects, animals and humans.    
You should understand that everything emanates out of My spirit; wherever there is life, there am I. I am the progenitor of life. My love of life is unfathomable. Life is given freely to all living beings out of My Being. I distribute life everywhere in the universe. Life erupts like a flower from a tree: it develops from the bud into bloom, and evolves to form fruit that seeds more trees ad infinitum. If someone cuts that flower, the fruit of life is interrupted and future evolution is prevented.     
Each life has its own Karmic plan. It does not matter whether it is an original or secondary living being,* its life on this earth is divinely appointed. If you kill any living being, you shall be punished; no one knows whether a living being may have been an Immortal or a Buddha reincarnating to Earth. As I have said, all life is Me. To destroy life is to attempt to destroy Me. And it is not easy to destroy Me. Teach that to human beings.

* Original living being: a living being whose spirit is directly coming from God's spirit.
Secondary living being: a living being whose spirit is coming from the original living being. The original living being may divide his/her spirit to form many living beings, who are called secondary living beings.
 (p. 170-171, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

58 - The Supreme Being teaches about precept "Not to steal"
The Year of the Earth Dragon (1928)

Children, your Master proclaims:    
Alas! When I created you, I loved and respected you so profoundly, I sent you to this world with a sacred body made in My own image, so that originally you did not need to eat in order to live, or to make clothes to cover yourself.     
However, you did not listen to Me but were seduced by materials, tastes, sexuality, power and wealth, which ultimately led to suffering in this world. I reserved enough wealth for all of you to share, but because of greed, some of you took too much, leaving others to suffer and hunger without sustenance.     
I granted the same powers to you that I granted to the Genies, Saints, Immortals, and Buddhas so that you could discipline yourselves to respect and honor My saintly love of life. Unfortunately, these powers have become a tool to treat other beings as slaves. Alas! What a travesty! I am so disappointed! Do you know why people become so dishonest and greedy?     
The principal needs of people are food and clothing--no one can avoid those needs. Unfortunately, many people bicker for exclusivity over the distribution of these necessities, and put their own needs above others’. They struggle for material goods beyond all reason, stockpiling beyond all possible need, regaling in trickery and evil to satisfy their cravings for material gain. And how do they acquire this power? They bend the meek to their will until the power is betrothed to them to call evil, good. The brutes acquire all, while the meek lose all. Thus society falls into chaos. There is no justice as God's laws are no longer observed; this is the cause of all suffering on Earth. 
When dishonesty and greed penetrate your heart, there is no room for virtue. When they penetrate your home, there can be no moral teachings. When they penetrate your country, there can be no honorable administration. When they penetrate the world, Genies and Saints cannot arise.     
Crime is the natural outcome of dishonesty and greed; therefore, dishonesty and greed in the heart, even unmanifest, are crimes against God’s laws.
( p. 171-172, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

59 - The Supreme Being teaches about precept "Not to be obscene"
Year of the Earth Dragon (1928

Children, your Master proclaims:   
Why is obscenity a severe crime?    
Ordinary people see the physical body as a single unit. In reality, it is a mass of innumerable living cells, assembled to form a body with a divine essence. This body is nourished by still more living things such as vegetable matter, fruit, and rice; these all contain vital matter, as all these foods are fresh with the essence of life and potential, they are not dead. Foods already dead do not carry this life essence, this potential. Cooking by steam or quick-frying simply disinfects foods and prepares them for our digestion. The nutritional energy of these foods does not disintegrate after being cooked like this.* Foods are then transformed in your gastrointestinal system into "Khí" (vital energy), and then their life essence is carried into the blood. As you have been taught, there is spiritual energy in "Khí" and in blood. It is transmuted from spirit into the human body as a result of the cycle of [death and] birth. Therefore, even a drop of blood has a certain amount of spiritual energy contained within it.     
Since sexual "Tinh" (life matter) is composed partly of blood and partly of "Khí," excessive sexual activity thus causes an unnecessary expenditure of Tinh and therefore of spiritual energy. After your death, you will be confronted with and judged by this spiritual energy, and the manner in which you wasted it, at the "Nghiệt Cảnh Đài."**  You will not be able to deny how you wasted your spirit. So, you should observe this precept closely.
* Foods change only in form during the process of digestion and absorption. Foods do not die after being cooked or digested because they constitute elements comprised of atoms. Atoms are not destroyed--they only change their arrangement, form and purpose.
     ** "Nghiệt Cảnh Đài" is a place in the spiritual world where the spirits, after the death of their physical body, will revisit all their actions—both good and bad—they have committed during their physical lifetime.  
(p. 172, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

60 - The Supreme Being teaches about precept "Not to be drunk"
January 18, 1927. Year of the Fire Tiger.

Why abstain from intoxication?
I have taught that your body is composed of a mass of everlasting spirits contained within living units. You should understand that the internal organs of your body are also formed by these living units whose function, whether they are aware of it or not, is commanded by Me. I therefore use your body to teach.    
Firstly, I’ll explain why alcohol is harmful to your physical body. Your physical body is still like an animal’s and needs to eat in order to live. When alcohol is ingested, it is absorbed into all internal organs of your body including the heart which is the foremost mechanism of life. Alcohol forces the whole cardiovascular system to function excessively, and the lungs do not have adequate time to purify (oxygenate and purge carbon dioxide) the blood, so that waste products will accumulate in the whole body, polluting the living units, leading to progressive sickness and finally to demise of the living units of the organs and then of your whole body. Many people’s bodies are half-dead just because of alcohol.    
Secondly, I’ll explain why alcohol is harmful to your spirit.
I have said that the soul forms the “second body.” It is composed of the "Khí," which surrounds your body like a mold. Its center is the brain, and the portal by which your second body enters and exits is the fontanelle on top of the head which is guarded by the Hộ Pháp. (With meditation, there is unification of the "Tinh," the "Khí " and the "Thần," leading to enlightenment.)     
The brain is thus the origin of the "Khí." When polluted blood accumulates in the brain, the brain is disrupted by confusion and languor so that your spirit and human intelligence are clouded, no longer in control of the body. The body will lose its human personality and revert to its animal essence. Lost is the hope to advance to the states of Genie, Saint, Immortal, and Buddha. At the same time, when the brain is confused, it becomes an open gate for evil, wreaking havoc on your environment and pushing your soul into continuous reincarnation. Therefore, listen, I forbid you to drink alcohol!
(p. 173,  Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

61 - The Supreme Being teaches about precept "Not to sin by words"
Year of the Earth Dragon (1928)

Children, your Master proclaims:
Why is lying forbidden?
I have said that I have set up a spirit in your physical body that protects your life. As you have been taught, this spirit is impartial and can communicate with the Genies, Saints, Immortals, Buddhas, and Superior Spirits of the Ngọc Hư Cung (Cabinet of God) and can record all of your good and bad actions. They then transmit this (Akashic) record to the Celestial Judgment Court. All will be recorded there.          
Moreover, this holy spirit not only has a duty to protect you, but to educate you as well, through what most people describe as the "conscience." Thus, Confucian Saints have said: "One who despises people despises one's own heart. God has determined that this is a crime from which there is no escape." When you lie to people, you first lie to yourself, to your own conscience, and thus to your own spirit (which is a part of God).
As I have said, this spirit will submit your every word to the Celestial Judgment Court--and even though you may never have acted on your words, you will be punished for them just the same, because the effect on the spirit (and therefore on God) will have been the same. Therefore, at the Celestial Judgment Court, none of your words will be omitted. This is why I have instructed you to be careful in your words and your virtues. You should be twice as careful in your speech as in your actions, because the punishment for morally reprehensible speech is the same as punishment for morally reprehensible actions.
It would be wise for you to remember this.
(p. 174)

62 - The Supreme Being teaches: Your self-cultivation of virtue is stalled so that the congregation would be shattered.
Year Kỷ Tỵ (February 10, 1929)

Here is your Master, children!
Time is creeping by, yet the road to the Tao seems endless. Each year, you have to walk a mile, but in looking at you disciples, I find you still hesitating to take a step forward. Alas! Time inexorably flows, and while your self-cultivation of virtue is stalled, your tendency to stray off the path is not! You would let the great spiritual foundation I have set out for you all go to ruin, as you compete to be the worst of the worst, leading to deep division among the congregation. Brutish people are still entranced by honors and wealth; there would seem to be no way to cure this disease infecting the Tao. I am so heartbroken, but I Myself will not change you. I have entrusted important responsibilities to the most reliable among you, but they were too disillusioned to manage these responsibilities, and the congregation was invaded by evildoers.

Alas! Time has flown away; so has your life and the life of the Universe. Children! If you could only bear the difficult situations of life, concede honors, sacrifice self for others, shed tears in exchange for the joy of others, sustain hardship in your livelihood, keep your mind clean and clear, to be touched by others’ sufferings, your soul would be purified, and you would be able to return to Me.

You should correct yourself without delay. Try to cooperate with each other to shun the evildoers; this would sustain your merit.
I bless you all.
(p. 174-175, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

63 - The Supreme Being teaches about the death of the Thượng Phẩm
Tây Ninh Holy See, April 16, 1929 (the 7th day of the 3rd month, midnight)

Your Master is here, children!
M… Ng…, ask your brothers to call the female disciples up here, the poor women kneeling down there!

I told you clearly that Thượng Phẩm had to return to Me before all of you, but out of sloth, you did not read My holy teachings in order to know.

T…! Do you remember I told you that the Tao is the nothingness; if Thượng Phẩm does not return to his divine position, who is going to guide souls to the celestial gate? Moreover, you are guiding living beings in this world on My behalf; so, there should be someone on the divine plane to receive those souls. (Smiling!)

Th…! You have to build a tomb for Thượng Phẩm in front of the tree with three branches, facing East, like facing Me at the altar. The roof should be of three levels, and covered with tiles exactly like the roof of a Chinese pagoda. Don’t build it like Bảo Đạo’s tomb, because their titles are different. Around its base, the octagonal tomb should look like it has posts. There should be a hole at the top center to allow the sunlight to shine upon the coffin.

You will be reprimanded by Thái Bạch. Try to follow his counsels to correct yourselves and make peace with him. Heed Me!
(P. 175-176, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

64 - The Supreme Being teaches: If you cannot love each other, I forbid you to hate each other.
January 11th, 1930 (the 12th day of the 12th month of the year Kỷ Tỵ)

Here is your Master, children!
I’ve often told you that you are the body of love, and you don’t even know what it is, where it is from? T…, try to find out.

(T… responded)
No, child! Love is the source of life in the universe.

With love, all living beings can be at peace and the universe tranquil. With peace and tranquility, there would be no animosity, no mutual destruction, and subsequently there would be maintenance of life and evolvement.

Do you know who is against life and evolvement? T…, try to find out!

(T… responded)
No! You are blaming evil spirits, but in reality, Satan is the one who destroys evolvement. I am life and Satan death. Tell Me how Satan can harm you.

(T… responded: Satan induces people into hatred to create turmoil among people).

Why don’t you use the word “death” to express it more profoundly? Because of hatred, people would despise, then fight each other, leading to the destruction of the world. Therefore, from now on, if you cannot love each other, I forbid you to hate each other. Obey!
(p. 176, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

65 - The Supreme Being teaches: The practice of the Tao is the opposite of living the secular life in order to get closer to the divine illumination. You cannot practice the Tao and run after secular desires at the same time.
Tây Ninh, February 7th, 1930 (the 9th day of the 1st month of the year Canh Ngọ)

Here is your Master.
Children, I am determined to manifest Tao out of Love, to save humanity in this last era. But the congregation is not perfected; the path has not reached its goal. Many of you have not had good faith in listening to Holy Teachings, thus the congregation is shattered.

Virtuous people became sad and discouraged, and sincere people are not happy to participate. Evildoers have invaded the congregation; wicked, ill-minded people, leading to the deterioration of the cultivation of love and virtue, straight to the wrong path.

The Tao is invaluable and miraculous. When one understands the Tao, one knows self, knows people, knows the situation, knows the moment, understands the non-permanency of honors, distinguishes persistence from death, develops a conscience. One would know that life is a farce full of suffering for its human actors.  The wise man distinguishes honorable actions from shameful ones, and thus knows how to manage one’s life. He overcomes the present kind of infighting and competition, through which there would be no hope of reaching immortality or Nirvana.

My blessings were shattered by greedy and ignorant disciples, under the influence of greed for honors and wealth.  With the perpetration of these evils, they have led humanity into the abyss, rather than to the Tao; thus has the spirit of the Tao become faint for thousands of years.

Many of you have tried to sacrifice self to become leaders of the Tao. But have any of you yet deserved the title? M… Ng   ?

M… Ng… answered: ………….

Alas! For the sake of millions of souls, I wouldn’t have the heart to see all your positions destroyed. Based strictly upon divine justice, none of you deserve to succeed. The practice of the Tao is the opposite of living the secular life. It must be that way in order overcome the mundane and get closer to the divine illumination. I have noticed that many of you on one hand want to practice the Tao, but on the other hand don’t want to abandon secular life; the secular life would extinguish the divine flame. You have to have a very strong mind to resist the secular path, or all your efforts toward illuminating the Tao would be in vain.

You want to wear religious raiment and stand in front of human beings as religious leaders, ostensibly to follow the paths of Saints and Immortals. But at the same time, you are still seduced by wealth and influence, using the name of the Tao to build up your own name. You build mansions on earth, wear suits of silk with gold-lined pockets—of what are you the Master?  Better to be master of your soul, clothed in virtue, building your mansion in heaven! Alas! Alas! What religious garb you do wear! Wayward children who resist my teachings!

In ancient times, followers of the Tao survived dire sufferings, living by self-sacrifice and enduring abject poverty for their souls’ sake, never seduced by honors and wealth. They earned divine positions. They were not like those of you today who prefer wealth to empathy, power to virtue, division to brotherhood. You are averse to sacrifice yet contend to be following the right path. Now I ask you, whosoever would agree?

Your music and rituals are not worthy. You are putting on such airs of superiority, relying on others’ talent and claiming it as your own; it doesn’t take Confucius to quote  Confucian books! You will be tried under divine jurisprudence for your impudence. Whoever realizes his divine origin, and repents his worldly flaws, escapes divine wrath and evil pitfalls on his way to the Tao. But what a shame that this congregation has sunk so low! Now you must take on the responsibility with which I’ve entrusted you, to cooperate with one another in the salvation of living beings for eternity.

M…N…, I allow you to show My holy teachings to your brothers Tr…, Tr…. If the rituals at the Holy See are not perfected as I have previously instructed, evil would come and take control.

I counsel you:
With sincerity, follow the steps of the Tao,
Renounce riches and secular honor,
Bear up under sackcloth and poverty,
That you may avoid the clutches of Karma.
I bless all of you.
(p. 177-178, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

66 - Nhàn Âm Đạo Trưởng explains the verses
The rooster in the cage, although being fully fed every day, would not know when it is going to be slaughtered,

While the crane, although not having enough to eat, is able to fly freely in the sky.

April 12, 1930 (the 17th day of the 3rd month of the year Canh Ngọ)

Nhàn Âm Đạo Trưởng (Nhàn Âm Taoist Master)

Greetings to all disciples.

It has been a long time since I have addressed you about the Tao. Today, I’d like to congratulate some of you, who have put all your mind and heart into self-cultivation, but I am sad for many others, who value secular life more than the progress of your soul. The Supreme Being has forgiven you out of love, hoping for peace in the congregation someday. Therefore, you have to cooperate with one another and get back to guiding people in the Tao. This is the only way to repent, and to improve yourselves in order to return to your original spiritual positions. You should have concern for your own futures.

H…., are you now more learned in Vietnamese literature?  Many followers have deeply studied the Holy Teachings, so I would ask you to interpret the following poem:

On the way Home, never mind stumbling blocks,
Slowly but surely, you would reach Nirvana.
(1)   Though the stomach is empty, the crane is free.
(2)   Though fully fed, the rooster is caged.
(3)   Behold all the abandoned tombs of youth,
(4)   And the surface of water always rippled by the wind.

Each turn of life leads up one step,
If you hesitate, time evaporates.

(Many people interpreted the poem but without understanding of the four central verses, so explanation is given:)

Verses (1) and (2) are from the poem of Lý Bạch:
The rooster in the cage, although being fully fed every day, would not know when it is going to be slaughtered,

While the crane, although not having enough to eat, is able to fly freely in the sky.

In other words, one would rather be suffering and free, than comfortable yet doomed. Being one with the Tao, one would be divinely free like the crane, although suffering in the physical plane.

Explanation of the verses (3) and (4):

If one looked into who were buried in those abandoned tombs, one would find that they all died young. Life is like a brief ripple in water; one may die at any time. If one does not hasten to follow the Tao, one may die before finding It.

Sakya Muni Buddha has said:
Don’t wait until becoming old to learn the Tao,
For many are the abandoned tombs of youth.
You disciples understand?

Verse (4): The water’s surface rippled by the wind, is like a human face grimacing under the weight of the mortal coil; only the Tao can help one escape this oppression.

Old literature has also said:
The mountaintop is white, not from great age but from the snow,
The lake ripples, not from angst but from the winds that blow.
Try to understand.
Every body understands the last two verses.
You disciples try to learn the Tao. Obey!
(p. 179-180, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

67 - The Supreme Being teaches: Try to cultivate your virtues in order to prevail against evils.
The 23rd day of the 3rd month of the year Canh Ngọ (4-21-1930)

Here is your Master, children!

Tr…, out of love, I founded the Tao according to the divine mechanism to guide millions of souls to return to their original spiritual positions. I know that many souls have reincarnated with the mission of guiding humanity. They do not mind hard work. So I have asked the Three Religions Court to give them clemency so that they may save My children.

Alas! The Superior Spirits and I have endeavored to help, but you haven’t shown much sincerity. Many times the Superior Spirits have wanted to doom you for your impudence, but I was so heartbroken that I have gone so far as to modify the divine mechanism to give you more time, more strength, to guide each other in fulfilling your duties. However, evil has still prevailed. Secular seductions have led you to the wrong path. I am heartbroken to see you lost to evil; some of you for money’s sake, others by lust, still others by crimes of power and passion. Each by his own weakness have you lost your way and fallen into cavernous evil, creating separation between you and causing animosities that sap all strength. Weakness has prevailed, severing your cooperation, your connection, stimulating you to fight against each other so that you became weakened, having no more strength to resist. I considered leaving you to the abyss, but I looked into the divine book and saw that alone, 80% of you would not prevail, so I deigned to bend justice by revealing secrets to help you to correct your own steps, to treat each others’ wounds and avoid further injury. Evil has often prevailed though I trusted you to resist. And although you have taken the wrong steps on many occasions, thanks to the merciful guidance of Superior Spirits, you have corrected yourselves in time. I have pity for many others who fell into evil beyond redemption.

The Tao is powerful, but evil power is not negligible either. If you cannot control your temper, the fire inside your heart would incinerate itself. Try to understand My words. If you don’t use the authority that I have granted to you to guide your younger brothers and sisters to fight against evil, the latter will lure them all away. You would then be left alone, a single phoenix without strength to rise out of the ashes, and thus the world would change—you would be exiled to the 72nd planet, the lowest planet, with even more sufferings. Realize your important responsibility! If you cannot meet the challenge, you cannot return to your original spiritual position at the end of the divine path.

B…! I have blessed you. You merited My holy blessings, which would have protected you. So why didn’t you fulfill your important responsibility? Why did you hurt others? The chief of the Phnom Penh congregation has taken My order to guide people. The more important the duty, the more difficult the performance; if you don’t have enough patience, and are a detriment to him, he may resign like Lý Bạch did previously, and you would have no hope of accomplishing your mission.

I am heartbroken to look into the divine book; those are the last important words for you. It’s the same right here, as well as in Phnom Penh. You should cooperate with each other to overcome difficulty. Obey!
I bless all of you.
(p. 180-182, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)

68 - Quan Thánh Đế Quân teaches to return to the right path
The 15th day of the 5th month of the year Canh Ngọ (June 8, 1930)
Here is Quan Thánh Đế Quân (Kwan Kung)

Greetings to all disciples,
The congregation has not yet been fully established, and already people are too lazy to cultivate their holy virtues, they would compare themselves to Superior Spirits, in trying to show off their broad knowledge.

The situation of the world has changed. According to the divine book, global disasters will soon occur. From the South to the North, from the East to the West, chaos has broken out, occasionally destroying cruel people. Even with unmanifest divine spirit inside, if they aren’t awakened, these people would be destroyed. Alas! The divine spark has ignited people’s minds, yet are they confused and try to burn the sun itself. They wish to haggle with the Tao until even the Merciful Father cannot meet their price! How they prize their titles—shouldn’t they instead be humble, and follow the example given by ancient Superior Spirits, who were all-suffering, all-giving, fully deserving of return to their noble position?

In this illusory life, your existence is like water vapor! You should repent, return to the right path, cultivate virtue, and avoid evil. Arrogance digs your grave; remember that, in order to correct yourself. Contemplate the following verse:

The earth’s exemplars fall short of perfection,
Pearls of wisdom grow not from this earthly shell,
Growing old, but still confused with fame and shame,
Only spiritual lessons will thus serve you well.

Gold is poor payment for steadfastness of spirit,
Virtue more precious than pearls at your throat,
The divinely ordained have no reason to barter,
For which the battle of heaven’s already been fought.

The world’s situation keeps evolving, and disasters will rise,
Before smiting your brother, you should lift up thine eyes!
You divinely appointed disciples should explain this poem to living beings.
(p. 182-183, Collection of Selected Holy Messages, Book Two, 1972)
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