The Collection of Divine Messages - 3/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

* Divine Teaching explaining why one must take the Tao to heart rather than being led to confusion as one tries to walk the spiritual path waking too late to realize your own folly.
Monday December 6, 1926
The 2nd day of the 11th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger

Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat
Teaching The Great Tao to The Southern Quarter
Greetings to all disciples, beloved daughters and guests.

I, out of great love and mercy, have founded the Third Amnesty of the Great Way based on love of life,
with the purpose of raising the predestined spirits to higher dimensions, avoiding reincarnation, and bringing the virtuous to a more precious domain of freedom and repose than this poor, vile earthly world.

Alas! Many, many people partake in worldly happiness, while ignoring self-cultivation in the Tao which would lead them to enlightenment. They argue, criticize the Tao thinking that they are now in higher secular positions than other people, without knowing that only punishment awaits them in the next realm.
Whoever is blessed will be in a higher world; whoever is unfortunate will remain confused. The celestial laws have determined so. In the end, the more meritorious your life, to the better world of freedoms you shall be led.

It's a rare privilege to be living in the days of the founding of the Tao. It's even rarer to successfully walk the thorny path of Tao; it is like searching for pearls in the deep, dark forest. Yet it all depends on your state of mind: if you believe the way is smooth, it will be so. If you think it's difficult, it will likewise be so. Don't be led to confusion in walking the path of the Tao, or you shall too late awaken to your folly.
(TNHT I , 1968 , p. 69)

* Divine Teaching regarding the disincarnation of the dignitary Thuong Tuong Thanh
December 6, 1926

Your Master, children.
Children, listen:
The world has lost one of My disciples today, one of your co-disciples who has shared with you some responsibility in the founding of the Third Amnesty of the Great Way.
Tuong's death is his fate. He is blessed in returning to Me. Death sometimes causes joy and sometimes causes sorrow. People on this earth who know how to make themselves useful to their communities and who know how to self-cultivate, would consider death as just the end of a long journey Home and as the accomplishment of their duty and time to reap their reward. Although he has not been such a person, his virtue and his meritorious service in building the Great Way would lead him to an extraordinary celestial position. His spirit will first, however, have to appeal to the triune-faith court and wait for his destiny according to his past deeds. It was of My will in creating these rules for you to follow. You should understand.

Regarding his funeral, you should join together to accomplish your human duty toward him.

Trang, tell Trung, Tho, Tuong, Hoa and other celestial appointees to escort him to his place of eternal rest. This act manifests the dignity of a virtuous person. Whoever is busy would be excused. You should also hurry to organize the ceremony to make it brilliant. The prayers should be the same as with the funeral of Hau's mother, except just a minor difference.
(TNHT I , 1968, p. 70)

* Divine Teaching explaining that if you knew the preciousness of the Tao then you would give utmost attention to its care.
Session at Cho Lon, December 13, 1926.

Your Master, children.
It's not an insignificant bit of business by which I founded the genuine faith for Vietnam. If you know that the Tao is extraordinarily precious, you should give utmost attention to its care; if you wait for its ultimate success in order to recognize the celestial mechanism at work, even if you would like to contribute then, you would not rate so much merit as if you contributed now, at the time of its arduous birth. I implore you, therefore, to endeavor practice the Way (Tao) with all sincerity. Practicing the Tao is not just an exercise of the tongue.
I have also seen that many of you adhere to the Tao for some evil motive. Because of love of humanity, and because I want to save humanity, I have endured cruel people in order to give them time to repent, to return to the right path to live a blessed life in the future; those who do not repent are lost and cannot be saved. If you wait until your last breath to acknowledge the sublime and the evil, it would be too late. You have to regularly play judge upon oneself.
Heed me!
(TNHT I , 1968 , p. 71)

* The new Doctrine that I teach is the result of spiritual studies

Present at the seance:
Certain French citiziens, among whom Captain MONET, and certain dignitaries.

The Holy See of Tay Ninh, December 15, 1926.
(the 11th day of the 11th month of the year Binh-Dan)

Greetings, my brothers.
Prepare to respectfully receive Our Divine Master,
Tell to these French present that this is a house of prayer and must not be considered merely a curiosity.

Jade Emperor or Cao Dai
Teaching The Great Tao to The Southern Quarter.
MONET, arise and read.
All things come in their time.

You have seen most of what your compatriots wish to see and know. This new doctrine that I teach is the result of spiritual studies.

Have I not predicted that spiritism is a religion of the future? You naturally wish to create in this country a moral relationship between the two races, French and Vietnamese, who have been called to live together, by My will, in a commonality of life and interests. You will be satisfied by living a gentlemanly life. Your prayers will be heard. You will later be one of my most devoted disciples in preaching peace and harmony to the world.

The French team will be created soon.

You will be forced to return to France in 1928, to defend this teaching before the Universal Congress. You will be big and strong by My will.

Goodbye, this is enough for you.

* THAI-BACH is the Spiritual Giao Tong (Pope) of CaoDai.

TNHT I, 1968, p.72 (in French)

* Divine Teaching that nothing is created or exists on this earth against God's will

Friday, December 17th, 1926.
The 13th day of the 11th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger.

Thai Bach.
M. Ð... , you are requested to attend the arrival of the Divine Master.

Jade Emperor (Cao Dai)
Teaching The Great Tao to The Southern Quarter.
Almighty God, who comes under the name of CaoDai to teach the truth in Annam*.

D..., arise and read.
I declare unto you that nothing is created nor exists on this Earth against My will. Some poor spirits claimed that they possess the secrets of God. But I have not given to any human here the mission to reveal such. To reach Me you are only to pray; I do not fail to manifest when those prayers are sincere. Realize that I am Jehovah of the Hebrew, God of the Israelites, the God of unspoken name to the Jews, and the Father spoke of by Christ; if you pray to me in the name of CaoDai, your prayers will be heard. Come to Me sincerely and do good unto your brothers, whom I have entrusted to you. And I ask you to spread this teaching to all of those under your watch and care. It is the only message which can raise humanity to abiding love and bring a lasting peace.

* Annam is the old name of Vietnam.
TNHT I, 1968, p. 73 (in French)

* Divine Teaching regarding the reincarnation cycle of man and demons. If one does not practise the Dao, one cannot escape the cycle of rebirth.

Sunday, December 19, 1926
Day 15, Month 11, Year of the Fire Tiger

Listen, children:
One thing remains you have not learned (and so do not know or recognize), and that is the true value of the Great Way. It is so great that you should indeed be concerned about improving your conscience and spiritually developing your emotions.
You were born here on this earth: You live and suffer here, and you will also die here. Do you know what will happen to you after your death?
Do you know where you will go?

None of you understands this miraculous, mystic mechanism. I will now explain: Throughout many thousands of years, all beings are transformed through the reincarnation cycle from minerals to plants to animals--finally reaching the stage of human beings. Human beings on this earth are themselves divided into different classes. For example, the class of "Emperor," as you understand it, on this earth (the 68th world*) is not even as worthy as the lowest class on the lower, 67th world. The value of worlds increases as their assigned number decreases, from the 3,000th world to the first, then through the 72 earths, then through the four great ethereal continents and then finally through the 36 heavens. Human beings must persevere in cultivating themselves to reach the pinnacle, the "Bach Ngoc Kinh" (Diamond Palace), or Nirvana (according to Buddhism).

You see: All these classes are heavenly ones. But there are similar hellish classes. The Daemon has thus imitated God to organize his own hierarchy with corresponding positions for the sole purpose of punishing and harming you. I felt compelled to grant him this tremendous privilege of attempting to seduce and induce you to become his servants.

I have always said that there should be justice because that is God's law.** I have, at times, lost many of my disciples to him. I have already clearly shown you the different ways: the good and the evil.

I have also shown you the direction to follow to not become lost. You should be aware that demons have reincarnated throughout the 3,000 worlds and even among the 72 earths.

Unfortunately, these demons are innumerable and they are masters of illusion and seduction.

This is why I have said that I have placed many ferocious beasts among you and have ordered them to devour you; however, I have also given each of you an armor to protect yourself. This armor is your virtue and it is invisible to these beasts.

Thus, your virtue is the way to exterminate the demons and to return you to Me in Nirvana. If you do not follow the Great Way, you will become the demons' servants. I have said that your virtue is like an endless ladder which could help you to reach the highest position, My level. I may also lower Myself to elevate you.

I tell you again that even if one fulfills one's duty honestly and justly, s/he will still have to reincarnate after death again and again, if s/he does not cultivate the self spiritually by following the Great Way. So, when can s/he return to Me? Anyone can return to me after even after only one lifetime, if s/he will spend that life in self-cultivation. This is an enormous privilege I have given you in order to save all human beings. Alas, unfortunately, I have not often had the pleasure of seeing those who have accomplished this.

Therefore, I repeat: You should admire and respect the Great Way.

Translator's note:
* The earth, where we are living, is the 68th among 72 earths.
**According to God's law, it would be unfair for humans to have no challenges in their way of self-cultivation to return to Nirvana. Thus, God has granted the Demon the privilege of attempting to seduce many away from the Great Way.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 74)

* Divine Teaching (delivered in French) regarding the true nature of nobility richness and glory.

Your Master,
The majority of you, children know French. I will use French to make it easier for you to understand.
What is nobility, richness, and glory?
The nobility is the gathering of titles which are given by men for more or less seducing men.
What is the value of those titles? Isn't it the value of those who gave them? Donned by human, they are just too human. What come from a human being are but not lasting.
They are subject for deterioration: they are destroyed as soon as the life of the bearer is taken away.
Go for celestial nobility, it is the only eternal.
Richness is all the precious things that one gathers on this earth. What does it contain?
Gold, silver, velvet, silk, etc... Gold and silver are but simple metals. Velvet is just a color. Silk is but material derived from animals. Do you see those as real preciosity?
They are insignificant as their origin is appraised. Children, search for divine richness.
That's the only you possess eternally; nobody can take it away from you.
Glory is in many instances against virtue. It is transient. It, many times, comes from dishonesty. Divine glory is the only which resists all challenges.

(Trung asked: How can we attain divine nobility, divine richness, and divine glory?)
The Master replied: "TU" (self cultivation).
(TNHT I , 1968, p. 136; Fr. p. 76)

* Divine Teaching regarding the establishment of the New Canonical Laws.
Dai Dan Cho Lon, December 27, 1926

Your Master, children.
Listen, disciples!
The Tao needs to have tenets in order to approach perfection, and for you to follow to avoid error. Some of you, thanks to their meritorious service, were employed in an important task so that they would be happy and have opportunities to progress. Unexpectedly, they did not respect My orders, have created criticism and quarrels. Do they deserve to be disciplined?
If I don't have the mercy to guide them forthwith, they will be disciplined more severely by Saints and Angels! You should regulate yourselves in your religious practice.
Listen, attendants! The Tao is guiding humanity; the holy way pilots earthly people. You are lucky to be born at the time when the Tao is founded, but if you do not cultivate your self to reach Nirvana, you would face regret later, all in vain for being downfallen.

Because of love of humanity, I have opened the Third Amnesty to save blessed people. Time is running out. Make haste, for Immortals and Buddhas at the triune-faith convention will propose closing the gates of the Tao. At that time, even though I desire to redeem you, I could not act against the divine mechanism.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 77)

* Divine Teaching regarding the reasons behind the establishment of the New Cannonical Law.
December 24, 1926

The Jade Emperor; or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
Greetings to all children.
Children, if I said I have endured many hardships since the beginning of the faith in order to spread the Tao this rapidly, I should be very happy for you....Why am I sad? Children, you have suffered too much on this earth.... For ten thousand years, you were separate, under the power of evil. From My throne, Huynh Kim Khuyet at the White Pearl Palace, I have come to redeem you. Theoretically, I should decrease your sufferings, but instead, I have established the New Codes to discipline you; that's why I am sad! In reality, the New Codes that I ask you together to establish would bear upon your virtues as Immortals and Buddhas; that's why I have to accept fate; The White Pearl Palace would not accept anyone who is against these Codes.
You have to try your best to accomplish your duty in the establishment of the New Codes. Thai Bach will come to monitor your endeavors.
(TNHT I, 1968 , p. 78)

* Divine Teaching regarding the source of right as being from the Divine will and the act of committing misdeeds as being against the celestial laws. Right and wrong actions are recorded by the angels and saints for the final judgement.

Dai Dan Cho Lon, December 27, 1926

Your Master, children.
Listen all disciples!
Many of you don't have sincerity in worshipping Me. In setting an altar in the house, some just wish to have some personal profit to their family, but not to seek a source of purity, to wash away their earthly offenses. Many of them are even more confused: they understand neither the meaning of setting up the altar, nor even the reason for the founding of the Tao.
Alas! In stepping into the path of the Tao, they did not dedicate time to search and study the Tao; do they then expect as disciples to be useful at all for the sacred faith? The Tao was opened just three times, but people have been sinful millions of times. Being born unto the earth, and having left their missions unrealized, they have passed away, returned to the initiatory center to report their earthly accomplishment. But they have not been able to accomplish anything, neither for their physical body nor for their spiritual duty, so how could they be useful for the Tao and for the human condition? Your conscience is a sacred gift from Me which is used to amend for your mistakes and to reward your humanitarian services. Doing right is from the Divine will; committing misdeeds is against the celestial laws. Any right or wrong acts are recorded by Angels and Saints for the final judgment. Try to understand.
(TNHT I , 1968 , p. 79)

* Divine Teaching encouraging adepts to use all their talents.
Cau Kho, January 8, 1927

Your Master, children!
I am gratified that human beings have the compunction to surmount the long and difficult road to come walk together on the spiritual path.
You have only to realize that as human beings, you have to follow the Tao; if you do not, you cannot be fully human-a human recognizes right from wrong. If you are still confused, how can you reach your goal quickly?

You have to unite and cooperate with each other, put aside all secular misconceptions in order to be enlightened.
I encourage you to use all your talents. Don't be shy and waste the sacred light that I have granted to you.
Try to understand!
(TNHT I , 1968 , p. 80)

* Divine Teaching explaining that in order to accomplish ones mission one must be able to abide suffering.
Cho lon, January 10, 1927.

Listen, disciples.
Just as birds come back to their origin and water goes away, so too are people on this earth merely travelers. In order to accomplish their mission, they must be able to endure and abide suffering. Endurance will lead them back to their origin (1), and sufferance will expose them to different bad and good experiences of life.
Life consists of a mixture of glory and richness, which are but a dream. Every person must accomplish their mission assigned by God, whatever that may be, so that when they leave this earth, they may report the result to God. Whoever has fulfilled their mission will earn a higher position (2). Whoever has failed, and has committed crimes toward humanity, will be sent to a much darker and colder dimension where they will repent so that they may return to the right way to their origin. Otherwise, they will stay there to learn the way, life after life. Even the Genies and
the Saints cannot escape reincarnation if they do not follow the way of self cultivation. The Southern Quarter is well blessed by receiving God's light which guides people to escape from darkness and ignorance. Cultivating their virtues, staying contented, using simple attire, not forsaking wealth--all these are considered means to enlightenment. Detachment from things of this world is difficult. The way to heaven is small and the road is narrow: only a few ever find it. However, the way to hell is broad and its gate is wide enough for all people who choose its easy way.

The Great Way has come to earth to guide people; without it even Holy Water would not be able to wash away all sufferance.

Translator's notes:
(1) All living beings are part of God's spirit. Sooner or later, with self cultivation, they will come back to their origin, which is God.
(2) Higher position on their way back to their origin.
(3) Matthew 7: 13-1
(TNHT I, 1968 , p. 80)

* Divine Teaching explaining how to make offerings to the Spiritual Pope in order to receive the New Canonical Law.

Tayninh, January 16, 1927
The 13th day of the 12th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger

Thai Bach
Congratulations to all disciples. Great joy! Great joy!
Thuong Tuong Thanh, observe and do as I do.
Confucianist Chuong Phap (Censor Cardinal), it's your turn.
Tho, sit down.
Stand up in two rows.
Chuong Phap, Dau Su sit down.
The three Phoi Su step forward.
Thai Tho Thanh has to bring the New Codes that you have all compiled to the three Dau Su. These latter, all at the same time, stand up, and respectfully receive the New Codes so that their six hands lay on the book of New Codes. They then will offer the New Codes book to the Chuong Phap. The Chuong Phap, in turn, shall respectfully receive the book, hold it over their heads and walk to the altar and put the book there upon it. Listen, I now assign the two Chuong Phap to revise the book of New Codes, finishing within one month, then submit to the Ho Phap, who will evoke me to edit.
Use a quiet room as the Hiep Thien Dai (Heavenly Union Palace). All the 12 zodiacal dignitaries have to be present; so should be the Thuong Sanh and Thuong Pham.
You have to evoke me again for further direction.
The two Chuong Phap have to leave the book of the New Codes at the foot of my image overnight.
Duong has to wear the headdress like Luat.
Nuong has to wear the costume like Tho's.
After leaving the book of the New Codes on the altar, you may return to your seats.
All celestial appointees prostrate in front of the Master.

Thai Bach.
The miraculous celestial laws are still missing in the New Codes that you have compiled.

I don't blame you: how could you know?

What a mishap! Without this secret, miraculous mechanism, there would not be laws and there would not, subsequently, be the Tao. (Laughter.)

I will pray to our eminently gentle, greatly merciful Master to allow adding these important secret elements to the New Codes. You have to pray with me. You have to ask all disciples of all temples to pray together with me with all sincerity from your hearts.

As the Tao is so important, you are important to guide and raise the state of human beings. From now on, I will take care of you more diligently. If I must discipline you, it's just because I want to increase your value. Please do not mind and be disturbed by it.
(TNHT I, 1968 , p. 82)

* Divine teaching regarding the way in which God has descended to spread the Tao in Vietnam.
January 17, 1927
The 4th day of the 12th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger

Children, your Master.
Thuong Trung Nhut, being the elder brother, you have to teach your younger brothers. As I have said, I founded the genuine Tao for you. Anything which is false is not from Me. I have come to teach humanity peace without conflict. I have also said, true honor is not on this earth. I have founded for your country the genuine faith to save all living beings. Thanks to the Tao, your country and you would attain great eminence. Whence do such positions of eminence arise? They are the result of your virtue. It is natural that the virtuous will ultimately overcome the cruel. As the Supreme Being, upholding ultimate justice, do you imagine that I do not have the power to do all things Myself but have need of your hands? You are chastened only for your lack of virtue. From this day forward, you have only to have faith in Me, to obey Me: thus reforming your virtue. Anything against the genuine Tao is from evil.
I bless you.
(TNHT I , 1968 , p.83)

* Divine Teaching on why one must abstain from alcohol.
Tay Ninh, January 18, 1927.
The 15th of the 12th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger.

Children, all human beings! Celestial appointees, sit down!
Children, listen!
Why to abstain from alcohol?

I have taught that your body is composed of a mass of everlasting spirits. You should understand that the internal organs of your body are also formed by living units whose function, whether they are aware of or not, is commanded by Me. I therefore use your body to teach.

Firstly, let's explain why alcohol is harmful to your physical body.
Your physical body is still like animal and needs to eat in order to live. When alcohol is ingested, it is absorbed into all internal organs of your body including the heart which is the main machine for life. It makes your heart work more than naturally, it pushes the whole cardio-vascular system to function excessively, and the lungs do not have enough time to purify dirty blood (to oxygenate blood) which will be accumulated in the whole body, intoxicate the living units leading to progressive sickness and finally to demise of the living units of the organs and then of your body. Many people had half of their body dead just because of alcohol.

Secondly, I explain why alcohol is harmful to your spirit.
I said that the soul forms your second body. It is the "Khi" which surrounds your body like a mold. Its center is the brain, the gate by where your second body enters or gets out is the fontanelle on top of the head which is watched and protected by the Ho Phap. With meditation, there is unification of The "Tinh" and the "Khi" and the "Than" leading to enlightenment.
The brain is thus the origin of the "Khi." When dirty blood is accumulated in the brain, it becomes confused and your spirit is not clear and calm to control the body. The body will lose its human personality and act like animals, and will have no hope to progress to the state of Genie, Saint, Immortal, and Buddha. At the same time, when the brain is confused, it becomes an open gate, the evil will take advantage to invade you and push you into crimes and subsequently into continuous reincarnation.

Therefore, listen, I forbid you to drink alcohol!

I ascend.

* Divine Teaching stating that whoever recognises the Tao is blessed, whoever does not is unfortunate. Including a sermon from Than Hoang Bon Canh for the people of the My Loc village.
January 18, 1927
The 15th day of the 11th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger
Session at the Communal House of My Loc village

The Jade Emperor; or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
Greetings to disciples, all male and female human beings!

Calm down, calm down.

Living beings have not recognized how precious and honorable the Tao is. The Tao, as carried forth by human beings, united with the sacredness from Me, is to grow and expand across the universe. Whoever recognizes the Tao is blessed; whoever does not is unfortunate. Understand! I grant your application to the faith. I mercifully accept all of you tonight and allow the local angel of the village to teach you, as is his responsibility.
I ascend.

Than Hoang Bon Canh
(Local Angel of the village)
Greetings to all celestial appointees. Greetings to disciples and all people, male and female, of the village.
I, the angel of the village, have the reputation of helping people from the four corners of the world,
Having received the blessing and appointment from our Master.
I am helping citizens to live in peace and order,
With continuous prosperity.
I receive your sincere prayers with beneficence,
And you have my blessings again and again.
All citizens abide in peace and order,
Living in safety and honoring the Tao.
Since the time when I received the order from our Master to govern this village, I have been caring for the people with all my heart and with all my might, so that they may have a peaceful and happy life with successful crops every year. Today I receive the order from our Master to come to teach you about the Tao. You could not realize the miraculous celestial arrangement made many thousands of years ago. Listen, the last era is about to end; 90 percent of humanity will be destroyed. Alas! What a sadness! But no one can change the divine mechanism. The only thing that you can do is to be stricken of conscience, to cultivate self, to open your heart for humanitarian services, and come together to pray to God for the fate of humanity. The Supreme Being, Jade Emperor and all Buddhas, Immortals, and Saints, have founded the Third Amnesty to save humanity, awash as humanity is in an ocean of suffering. If you meet the Bat Nha Boat (Boat to Nirvana) and do not take the opportunity to embark, you will not be saved. Dignitaries presiding ceremonies!

Come kneel in front of the altar for me to bless you.

What a joy! What a happiness! Almost all citizens have recognized the Tao. From now on, I will pay all my heart and my attention to taking care of the village. I will let you know why. Since I received the order of our Master to help disciple Cao, I became more worried. Any time when there are accidents or epidemics of infectious diseases, I come to teach you how to avoid damage. Regarding the offerings, I prefer you to use vegetarian foods and fruits in order to avoid killing.

I will explain about ceremony:
Ceremony is from your faith. The offerings are to show your respect. Saints and Angels will never be able to use these offerings. Therefore it's better for you to use fruits. The offerings are from your heart. I will not condemn you; it's just the tradition. I want you to follow the Supreme Being's holy will. What do you think? Try to respond! (Laughter.)
Good-bye ! I depart.
(TNHT I, 1968 , p. 86)

* Divine Teaching explaining how male and female disciples should enter the faith and practise the Way, with a poem.

Session at An Hoa, January 22, 1927
(The 19th day of the 12th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger)

Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat
Teaching The Great Tao to The Southern Quarter
Greetings to disciples and all human beings.
This is the first encounter of your country with Myself, so many suspicions still remain.

By way of overwhelming compassion, you and I will spread the path without fearing difficulty or worrying about dishonest persons. You shall march ahead; they will recognize later what is right and what is wrong. I am pleased with you and admit you all, male and female.

Tuong, you have to teach them the necessary knowledge.
I give here a general poem:

There is but one sky for this universe of impermanence,
The people, only grains of sand upon the firmament.
When caressed by still water, they are content and composed;
Caught by storm and wave, their peace is dashed against stones.
Having been spun on the karmic wheel without cessation,
For the want of an instant of self-cultivation, they have known to be able to escape from reincarnation.
Yet behold from the South land gusts a fair wind,
The reign of the redeeming Tao about to begin.

Allow all the females in to hear My teachings!
Dear beloved female disciples, I bring the Third Amnesty, with no discrimination between stature tall or small, or state of richer or poorer. I only wish that you do virtuous deeds every day, following the humanistic teachings; for example, keeping the four virtues (Cong, Dung, Ngon, Hanh: good work, good appearance, good speech, and good personality, respectively).

The morality of the country of the South is always good; it is just that those among you who are corrupted, I have to remind you of the good way!

Now the males, come in! Listen carefully!
Do you know why you see injustice every day?

Do you know why officers abuse their power over the people, children disobey their parents, and people are not faithful to their friends, creating disturbances in moral principles? Because of lack of spirituality!

I bless you all, children. I ascend.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 88)

* Divine Teaching explaining how one must cultivate the Tao in order to escape reincarnation.
January 26, 1927
The 23rd day of the 12th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger

The Jade Emperor; or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
Greetings to disciples, and all human beings.
The ship upon the celestial sea awaits a fair wind,
To bear the people of the South aloft from Earth toward Heaven.
In donning brown vestments, you strive for Nirvana,
In cultivating conscience, you disdain wealth and honor.
The clockwork of the heavens tells its time true,
Striking the hour the Divine may rain down upon you.
Bear well the travails of conscience in this life;
You will soon be removed from this earthly realm of strife.
The Great Way has been founded three times, yet Earthly people still commit many grievous errors. They still become lost in the material world and disregard virtuous principles taught by saints and sages of old. This life full of hypocrisy is short, and yet they fight for wealth and pursue honor. Being born as a human being conveys upon you a special mission; yet people pay no heed to the essentials of the journey, from giving back to their parents, to paying back the debt they owe their country, instead immersing themselves in a life that only leads to worry and sadness, denying the holy virtues, using delusion to satisfy the senses. Time will not wait for such as these. Life's journey is difficult and tiring, and Death will prove all wealth and honor to have been but a dream. Your day of reckoning will soon be upon you at the Nghiet Canh Dai (storehouse of the Akashic records; a place where the dead review their actions in previous lives, the equivalent to St. Peter's Gate). Life after life, you will continue to reimburse the Universe for the errors of your ways until you are enlightened. Such is the fate of mortals. The Tao exists to guide people along the path of righteousness and piety, and thereby dismount the Karmic wheel, escaping reincarnation and reaching Nirvana at last. Make haste unto the path to quicken your reward and avoid continuous suffering. The Tao is an open secret; don't lose sight of the fact, continual self-examination is required for its perpetual discovery.

Try to comprehend, human beings!
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 89)

* DivineTeaching explaining how one must go further in order to reach the end of the Path.
Cho Lon, January 31, 1927

Your Master, children.
Time has flown, and it is spring once again. The landscape has not changed, but the people's hearts have been transformed. The Tao has progressed quickly; compared with last year, the Tao's wisdom is now shining ever more brightly in human life. I am delighted to see your heartfelt efforts to magnify the Tao, to bring people closer to each other. You have travailed the thorny path to people's hearts. Some local disciples do not yet carry the Tao because of their secular obligations. Ly Thai Bach is therefore planning to organize a great ceremony at Cau Kho temple so that all the disciples can more easily come together in a display of unity.
T., you will have to join in to preside over the ceremony for your younger brothers. You disciples here should do the same.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 91)

* Divine Teaching regarding how you must direct your energies towards spreading the Way.

Cau Kho Temple, February 1st, 1927

I am disappointed for the ones who are absent today. Time has passed quickly and you are still hesitant. The Path is so monumentally great and profound that your earthly minds cannot fathom. If you do not transcend your secular attachments, your travails in following Me for the last year would have been wasted. The earthly life has so much torment to begin with, and you live in a most difficult time, so you should contemplate spirituality more; otherwise, you condemn yourself to immersion in the material world forever, battling for wealth and power like the run of the mill.
You have to direct your energies toward spreading My way; thus you can both maintain your valuable traditions and still escape rebirth in the Earthly plane. I will not reveal the celestial mechanism behind it all, but you have only to understand that as a human, you are in the highest position among Earthly beings; you must cultivate an extraordinary mind to be worthy of being human. You should understand that I have created many races with their own special, sacred characteristics. Only because human beings do not try to discover the truth and because they instead obsess on outward profits, negating the profits of their conscience, killing and not loving, looking to harm but not looking to understand each other, do they suffer.

Once you comprehend the Universal justice in My way and come together under Universal love, you would satisfy God's will and be abundantly blessed. Understand!
(TNHT I , 1968 , p. 91)

* Divine Teaching regarding the joy and happiness towards the faith from the Confucian Censor-Cardinal Tuong (disincarnated).

Tay Ninh, February 1st, 1927
The 1st day of the 1st month of the year Dinh Mao

Confucianist Chuong Phap Tuong.
Greetings to all disciple brothers and sisters.
Great blessings to humanity and to this 68th earth. I should have more merits in order to be admitted to the 36 heavens. All thanks to the guidance of our great and gentle Father. I am telling you, brothers and sisters, value your precious celestial position. Don't be reticent on the path. Remember my name when fighting against evil seductions.
For myself, even though I didn't have enough accumulated merit, technically, I still attain this position. If you guide and save the whole of humanity, your position would be much, much higher!
Think about it, and be happy in your practicing of the Tao.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 92)

*Divine Teaching of God expressing his happiness and passing his congratulations to his disciples whom He rewards with blessings.

The Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
Children, greetings to you,
Trung, Cu, Tac, do you remember how it was this time last year? And you see how it is now?
Beloved daughters Trinh and Hieu, have you seen how I have kept My promise? This time last year when I founded the Great Way, I had but twelve disciples. Four of them fell wayward and succumbed, so then I had only eight left; but two of those were so indolent, they did not practice the Tao. Even a great Buddha, who incarnates to this earth, without Me, would not be able to guide more than forty thousand human beings at once in so short a time.

I am happy, and congratulate all My forty thousand disciples.
Tho, you are very dedicated, and your dedication has redeemed many people. I congratulate you.

Binh, I promote you to the Phoi Su as a reward for your love and your virtue. Thanks to you, humanity will be able to escape the ocean of suffering.

Ban, I promote you to the Giao Su and Tro the Giao Huu. And many others, too. Call them back here on the 9th of the month for Thai Bach to reward them. I bless you all, even if you are not here.

I lift the handle of theNgoc Co (Basket with beak) for you to pass beneath for Me to bless. I wish you all to be dedicated like Tho, and self-cultivate like saints, for the Great Way shall be known all over the world, and disciples will increase exponentially, and your responsibilities will grow heavier and heavier.
If you love Me, you would love the Tao, and subsequently love human beings. If you value Me, you would value the Tao and subsequently value living beings.

In this coming first month of the year, Thai Bach will gather the female disciples in order to establish the female college. I rely on you.

I bless you.
I ascend.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 93)

* Divine Teaching of the Spiritual Pope granting ceremonial costumes for the College of Women.

Thai Bach
The Sacerdotal Council. Listen.
I grant ceremonial costume to the female college. Comply, and from now on, use these beautiful costumes for ceremonies, according to the hierarchy.
All female dignitaries are to work under the female Dau Su (Cardinal) who in turn has to obey the Giao Tong (Pope) and the Chuong Phap (Censor Cardinal).
Female Dau Su are also elected according to the New Codes established by the Sacerdotal Council. They are to obey the orders of the Sacerdotal Council both spiritually and temporally.
Female Dau Su wear a costume similar to the one for the male Dau Su. The white silk robe has nine ribbons and is embroidered with lotus flowers. The head covering is a hood like the one worn by nuns and is also made of white silk. The hood is overlaid with a golden headdress called Phuong Thien Mao, and the top of it is embossed with the Divine Eye surrounded by a golden circle. She wears white Vo Uu shoes (worriless shoes) with the calligraphic character "Huong" (Fragrance) on the toes. Comply with these instructions!

Female Phoi Su (Archbishops) are to wear a similar costume without Phuong Thien Mao. Their robes have three ribbons. On the chest is embroidered the Divine Eye surrounded by a golden circle. Comply with these instructions!

Female Giao Su (Bishops) are to wear a robe with three ribbons, with the white silk hood, but without shoes.

Female Giao Huu (Priestesses) wear costumes like the Giao Su's, but without headdress, and instead, a white lotus with the Divine Eye in the center is pinned into their hair.

Female Le Sanh (Student Priestesses) wear a costume like the Giao Huu. They cover their head with a long veil knotted at the nape so that the two ends of unequal lengths hang down. A white lotus flower is pinned into their chignon.

Our Master observes the absence of many sisters and will not grant any appointment. Sister Lam Huong Thanh! You are to invite all female disciples to come the 15th day of this month for appointment by our Master and for the establishment of the female college.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 94)

* Divine Teaching of Ly Bach who has prayed in vain for the amnesty of humans during the 10 days convention and also for Saigon, Hue and Hanoi for which he could not procure an amnesty.
Tay Ninh, February 5th, 1927
The 4th day of the 1st month of the year Dinh Mao

Thai Bach.
Greeting to all disciples, brothers and sisters, and all living beings. Good gathering!
Such sorrow for humanity! Such misery for humanity!

Human beings are too cruel. Their crimes deserve just punishment. But because of love for humanity, I have tried in vain to pray for the amnesty of human beings during the ten-day convention at the Bach Ngoc Kinh (the White Pearl Palace). Yet, I could not act against Divine Justice. Human destruction shall afflict you through your mutual killing, and deadly diseases. I have been heartbroken, prostrated and praying at the Bach Ngoc Kinh, but finally had to accept the fate of humanity. I am even sadder in seeing human beings in confusion and ignorance. Needless to say, even in this small country, Vietnam, with its sacred ground here, I could not procure amnesty for cities such as Saigon, Cho Lon, Gia Dinh, Hue, Hai Phong and Hanoi. What a tragedy! What a tragedy! What a tragedy!
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 95)

Notes of the translator: We are all much too familiar with the succeeding tragedies in Vietnam, occurring since 1945 in the struggles for power from North to South and resulting in the deaths of thousands upon thousands of people, both from Vietnam and intervening powers.

* Divine Teaching regarding why one must cultivate and correct the self while trying to love each other
December 24th, 1927

The Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
I, your Master, am happy to see you all gathering here tonight to show your sincere respect. I congratulate you disciples, sons and beloved daughters, for your virtues. Your gathering here is not only for the faith but also because of your mutual love. This day last year you were still confused in your earthly dreams; the path had somewhat lessened your secular attachments but not enough for you to be totally dedicated to the Tao. And the time has rushed by, with enormous changes in people's hearts, including a relinquishment of wisdom in lieu of honor and riches, and abuse of the Tao for personal gain. I am still holding open the secret, Divine mechanism, hoping that you will try with all of your might to institute the Tao in order to redeem people, to help them surmount their weaknesses, and together walk the elusive path to Nirvana, that even many sages of old have missed.
I have to mention that many of you have not put all your heart into serving the Tao. Realize that, through mercy, I have appointed you to certain celestial positions in order for you to redeem your karma. However, many of you with heavy secular obligations still have not recognized the hardship of self-cultivation as a ladder to help to escape from reincarnation. You must realize that, lacking My mercy, your mistakes would be recorded and you would not have further opportunity to serve humanity and thereby redeem yourselves.

Before praying to Me in the evening, you should ask yourself in your best conscience if you have completed your duties of the day, or have done anything against your conscience. If your duties were left incomplete, or your conscience was left unsatisfied, you must repent. This will serve to make you more and more holy day by day. My hope for each of you is that you would tend heartily to your self-improvement, so then both the Tao would benefit from your efforts, and you would set a good example for others. You are to love one another; your guidance to and sharing with each other are precious gifts which please Me greatly.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 96)

Divine Teaching of the Bodhisattva Quan Yin explaining why we must gather together to guide the younger sisters towards the Tao.

February 1927

Quan Am Boddhisattva of the South Sea
Greetings to disciples, brothers and sisters, all living beings.
Celestial appointees sit down. Listen, sisters.
I am so delighted to see you sisters practicing the Tao. You must also get together to guide younger sisters. Many sisters who have not given their all for the Tao must endeavor to be more worthy of the love of the Supreme Being. I am happy with those sisters who have endured hardship to complete their duties. That's what I expect from you all.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 97)

* Divine Teaching regarding how Ly Bach has ordained the local genie of the holy land to the Van Xuong position to govern the Hiep Ninh village.

Thai Bach
All friends, be in order and solemnity to greet the Supreme Being.
The Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
Children, listen. Wherever I abide is the holy land. I have ordained to promote the local angel to the Van Xuong position to govern Hiep Ninh village, to teach the Tao to people, and to have the ultimate power of reward and punishment over the local people until they should repent. So, people of Long Thanh village, don't worry.
Regarding the Holy See, I want to see unity between God's will and man's power. That's My virtue that you should watch and imitate.

Since the time I founded the Tao for you, I have never done anything by Myself alone. Wherever you choose that pleases the Sacerdotal Council would please Me. You have to get together to attend to the matter of the Holy See. Everything should be at Tay Ninh. You have understood My Holy will about spending; be economic, spend only what is necessary.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 98)

* Divine Teaching regarding the spiritual and temporal powers of the Hiep Thein Dai.

February 13th, 1927 (the 12th day of the first month of the year Dinh Mao)

The Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
Children, all disciples, heed me!
The Hiep Thien Dai is the sacred place where I reign to preserve the sacred power of the faith. As long as the Tao endures, the Hiep Thien Dai still exists. Moreover, the Hiep Thien Dai is the place where the Giao Tong comes and communicates with the 36 Heavens, the 3000 Worlds, the 68 planets and the 10 courts of Hell to beg the salvation of humanity.

As I have warned, the five branches of the Great Way are rendered profane by the incarnate believers who day by day move further from fidelity with the Tao, completely degrading the significance of the holy doctrine. For this reason I have resolved to come to teach My children Myself, not to entrust the teaching of My holy doctrine any longer to imperfect incarnate beings.
I have already spoken about spiritual power; I shall now speak to you about temporal powers.

The Hiep Thien Dai is placed under the authority of the Ho Phap (Legislative Protector). He is assisted by the Thuong Sanh(Director in Secular Affairs) and by the Thuong Pham (Director in Spiritual Affairs). I have chosen the 12 Zodiacal dignitaries in increments of three;

1 - Under the Ho Phap, who is concerned with Law and Justice:
Hau is Bao Phap (1) (Juridical Conservator)
Duc is Hien Phap (Juridical Renovator)
Nghia is Khai Phap (Juridical Reformer)
Trang is Tiep Phap (Juridical Legislator)

This branch is concerned with the conservation and application of the religious laws, temporally and spiritually. Every transgression of the laws is brought to the awareness of the Hiep Thien Dai.

2 - Under The Thuong Pham, who is concerned with spiritual affairs:
Chuong is Bao Dao (Religious Conservator)
Tuoi is Hien Dao (Religious Renovator)
Dai is Khai Dao (Religious Reformer)
Trong is Tiep Dao (Religious Legislator) (2)
This branch is concerned with the meditation cells and temples. He supervises all disciples and defends them against the abuses of authorities.

3- Under the Thuong Sanh, who is concerned with temporal affairs:
Phuoc is Bao The (Temporal Conservator)
Manh is Hien The (Temporal Renovator)
Thau is Khai The (Temporal Reformator)
Vinh is Tiep The (Temporal Legislator)

I exhort you to maintain personal impartiality in your functions.
Do not forget that anyone who has great power has a heavy burden of responsibility.
I bless you.

(1) Bao is to conserve
Hien is to offer
Khai is to initiate
Tiep is to accept

(2) Mr. Cao Duc Trong is the last appointee among the 12 Zodiacal dignitaries.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 98)

* Divine Teaching explaining why God would be pleased if disciples tried to build their merits in order to be accepted into the Dao.
Cau Kho, February 19, 1927

Your Master, children.
In accordance with Justice and the request from the Triune-Faith Court, I appointed you as dignitaries. In reality, not many of you appointees are worthy for the term. Therefore, once appointed, you should remain humble and remember your responsibility; and whoever has not been appointed should not be sad and abandon your virtue. Understand;

I would be pleased if you would try to build up your merit yourselves. It would be useless for you to be accepted into the Tao, appointed to a celestial position, yet be without redeeming qualities or virtues.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 100)

* Divine Message regarding the destination of the noble part of the human mind after the bodies death, the part embracing within it Love, Hatred, Joy, Remorse, could such a mind simply disintegrate?

Opening Ceremony at Phuoc Long Temple.
Cho Dem, March 1, 1927

Your Master, children.
The spiritual transformation of human beings is in accordance with the transformation of Heavens and Earth. Everyone who has affinity with Creation likes to find quietness among Nature for meditation. Many others, although capable of the same affinities, are not true to them; they do not gear their activities toward noble acts but instead toward cruelty and crime: they act against the Divine will, and disregard reincarnation and karma. They think of life as the fleeting moment; they conspire for wealth, power and gluttony.
I would challenge you: where does the noble part of the human mind go after the body's death, the part embracing within it Love, Hatred, Joy, Remorse? Do you think such a mind simply disintegrates?
Each of you should meditate on this question and pursue an answer. If you find an appropriate answer, you are a person who realizes the Tao; otherwise, you are of feeble mind.

I ask you women to follow the three womanly duties and the four virtues; and you males to follow the three male duties and the five virtues of Confucianism. If you fulfill your human duties, you would be well received by the Tao. Heed My words!
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 101)

* Divine Teaching explaining that in order to be enlightened you must first gain enough merit by spreading the way and guiding human beings.
Dai Dan Cau Kho, March 5, 1927

The Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter
Many of you may think that being CaoDai disciples, one has to be totally detached from secular activities, dreaming day and night that you might only find a secluded place for meditation. I would let you know that if you have not paid all your karmic debt, and have not accrued enough merit, you cannot become enlightened. In order to be enlightened, you must first accrue enough merit by spreading the Tao and guiding human beings. If such is against your nature, you may then find other ways by which to attain the coveted position of enlightenment. You have to understand My holy will in order to cultivate your mind and set up your goals. Any path you choose to walk, you have to have a sacred guiding light; you have to have a goal in order to succeed, whether you want to be a king, a teacher, a technician, or a Taoist. Any profession would be sufficient except that in which you do not act as a professional.
Dear, beloved women! You keep looking up to nobility and the wealthy, and complain that you are not enough blessed, while you look down your nose and despise the lowly and poorer people. This is the height of immorality! I advice you to open your hearts and love people; that would please Me. You have to cultivate your virtue. Be modest to the superior and generous to the inferior. Obey this, children!

Male disciples, new disciples, listen, children.
Under the justice of the divine law, you have had to suffer. It's because you do not know how to cultivate the noble mind that I have bequeathed to you. Your mind is yet so narrow so that you do not progress and the path becomes increasingly difficult. Henceforth from your initiation, you must take heed to adhere to the right path, to guide each other clear of the thorny maze. Do not lose your character due to desire of personal profit: this would only squander the priceless sacred light that I have bestowed upon you. Heed Me!
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 101)

* Divine Teaching regarding the mercy with which God has guided us and that now it is our turn to guide humanity.
April 5, 1927.

Your Master, children.
Trung, because you have so many important responsibilities, I have asked T. to spread the Tao in the other provinces for you. You have safely negotiated a difficult turn in your path, thanks to which your future merits would be fulfilled. I have granted you and other disciples enough authority and responsibilities to perfect the Tao that I have begotten. You have to nurture it in order to become worthy; you must show patience in all things, surmounting difficulties to reach your goal. I have mercifully guided you with each step, and now it's your turn to use your enlightened mind to guide humanity. Young and old, you have to love and guide each other using your virtue as an example for the next generation. The path is still long and difficult, and once you will not have close communication with Me in the future, if you do not help and support each other, what then would you become?
I also need you to know that many Giao Huu (Priests) do not know their duties, so you have to teach them. They should know at least the origin of the Tao, and should learn My teachings and then take turns in teaching male and female disciples. Many of the Giao Huu know nothing about the Tao, and disciples cannot learn anything from them, so they are not useful for anything. You have to remind them to meet once a month with the Sacerdotal Council in order to learn how to teach. Obey! I bless you all.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 103)

* Divine Teaching explaining that whoever puts their faith into the Tao will return to be unified by me, but whoever intends to disturb the Tao will be punished.
April 12, 1927.

Your Master, children.
Children, I have clearly felt those concerns about the Tao which are near to your hearts. Many of you wish the Genies and the Saints would punish the evil ones so that the Tao would be more stable and succeed faster. However, the divine mechanism takes no heed your earthly desires which are simply due to your human impatience. You should try not to hate but to have compassion for those unenlightened ones. With love and mercy in guiding you, I have designed the secret mechanism so that you may use your acquired holiness of mind to deal with even heretics, until the time when you have overcome your own karma.
The Tao is steadfast. Be neither taken to excess, nor hesitant. Be patient and cooperative in clearing the thorny path for the generations to follow. The celestial guidebook has clearly spelled out many paths of action. Through love, I have taken care of the difficulties for you; you have only to complete your duty. Whoever puts all their efforts into the Tao will come back to be unified with Me. But whoever intends to disturb the Tao will be punished.

The Triune-Faith Court has often times proposed to close the gate of the Tao, but I hadn't the heart to do it, due to your sincere efforts. Ly Bach / Li Po and Quan Am/ Quan Yin had recommended punishment of the evil ones, but I would not agree because I want you to experience a little more sufferance among them.

....If you have thought of Me, each of you will take haste to advance the Tao. In the old times, the Saints spent a lot of time arduously initiating the Tao.

Now, the Tao that was founded only a short age ago has become a glorious beacon which would be enough to pleasantly light your steps upon your journey.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 104)

* Divine Teaching explaining that is you yourself choose not to walk then God will not carry you through your life.
April 15, 1927 (Phu Nhuan)

Your Master, children.
You misunderstand the celestial mechanism in thinking that I am unable to subdue evil, and suffer the evildoers. You just wish to see them be punished, but that is not My Holy plan.
If you yourself choose not to walk, I would not carry you through your life. Doing for yourself is therefore your concern. The Tao is founded in Justice and is already therefore a great blessing. If instead I carried you through this temporal world, you would not be wont to labor for the Tao. As long as you are witness to disappointment on this Earth, the Tao is not yet fulfilled.
You are the first to receive the Tao from Me; therefore, you should realize your great and noble responsibility. If you do not fulfill your duty you are not worthy. I advise you just to keep cultivating your heart, your virtue, to keep the Tao in order, all difficulty would be surmounted.

In practicing the Tao, you have to observe justice. Once justice is able to control violence, the Tao would be manifest. Understand!
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 105)

* Divine Teaching of the spiritual pope Ly Bach regarding the hatred and indifference amongst followers of the Tao and how this creates animosity between people and leads to chaos.
April, 20, 1927

Ly Bach.
Friend Trung, I would like to let you know that many disciples of our Compassionate Master did not follow the teachings of our Master in order to fulfill their human duties in love and cooperative friendship, but instead create hatred among each other. I wish that you could set that issue straight. The Compassionate Master taught that there should be love, sharing, and cooperation in the promotion of the Tao. It has not been very long, and His teachings were not respectfully followed. What should happen in the future when there will be no more close communication from our Master? I want you to take time to straighten out this issue with the disciples. I will keep an eye on you.
Hatred and indifference among followers of the Tao would create animosity among people and only lead to chaos. They would relinquish the path, having been stained with this bloodshed and would be doomed to their loss of Heaven. Our Compassionate Master spoke that the Tao would be raised out of the determination of the disciples, especially of the celestially appointed dignitaries. For any issue related to the Tao, in order to please people's hearts you have to get together for discussion and have the consensus before implementation. That would make the Tao stable and strong. If there is any difficulty, it's your responsibility to guide all disciples to setting things straight. You have been granted the authority to make decisions, so if you get together for discussion and support, all would be well.

Ever be mindful of your human duty, never to neglect it and become irreverent of the Holy will of our Compassionate Master. Take heed!
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 106)

* Divine Teaching regarding the fact that in upholding justice and applying the law, if God used the Divine Law and that if he held to the letter of this law then humanity would be exiled to hell for ever.
The 27th day of the fourth month of the year Dinh Mao (5-27-1927)

Your Master, children.
What's a such Sacerdotal Council? Children! How sad I am! What a tragedy! I thought I would not need to lecture upon it and had only to await your heightened spirituality in order for you to realize My concerns about humanity since the Creation of the race. But your mind has so been inundated by maya (the illusionary material world) that it has overlooked the holy spirit that I have granted to you. That's why I have to bring it up now.
Children! Do you know how much suffering I have endured each time I have labored to redeem you?

If you only knew the power of the Supreme Being, you would realize that it is a torturous trial for Me.

I have created human beings thinking that in establishing positions of Genies, Saints, Immortals, and Buddhas, I would show you that the holy spirit is higher than the earthly mind. However, the prize was only one out of a million, and this breaks My heart. Alone in you, since the creation of the whole universe, have I invested the best love of a gentle father; yet you children have despised your father and betrayed Me, akin to the demon called Lucifer in Christianity. Genies, Saints, Immortals, and Buddhas have bemoaned your downfall.
In upholding justice, I must be impartial and apply the Divine law. But if I should enforce the letter of the law, you would be exiled to Hell forever. If you would put yourself in My position, the position of a father, you would know how much I have suffered for you.

Each time I suffered for you, I have incarnated to Earth to found the Tao to save you; in this I was maltreated by you, railed against and expelled by you, even killed by you. Alas! What a tragedy! What a tragedy! The Tao that I have labored to bequeath you is now in the hands of a Demon who has charmed and seduced your minds. If even the great spirits and Immortals were seduced, what could I expect from other spirits? I did not punish the Demon, so how could I punish you? But one cannot avoid the Divine law which I Myself must respect. You have committed your own crimes, and therefore will exact your own punishment, as even the Genies, Saints, Immortals, and Buddhas have done. I have blessed even My own enemy; how could I not bless you, My children? Except when you refuse My blessings. What a pity! What a hate!

Each time I founded the Tao, I had to warrant My support for you exactly like a warranty against a loan. I am ultimately responsible for whatever crime that you commit. You have been given due time to cultivate yourselves yet you did not improve but committed more crimes instead. What an outrage!

What would you have Me do; shall I desert the Tao to find other means of pursuing your redemption, so to be exiled along with you, or wait until the Tao eliminates Me?

Who would not suffer in slicing out one's own entrails? If I did not ask Thai Bach to postpone your punishment until the completion of the Holy See so that you may redeem yourselves through the personal merits wrought through service, there would not be one tenth of you left. You have to listen to My words in order to redeem yourselves. And you have to heed and respect Thai Bach's orders.

I remind you one last time.
I bless you.
I ascend.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 107)

* Divine teaching of the Spiritual Pope Ly Bach explaining that the Tao is erected through the virtuous minds and humble behavior of the disciples of the Compassionate Master. If one chooses to follow the Tao, yet still struggles and competes with the mind of an ordinary human, even though there be numerous disciples and a multitude of contributions, the Tao remains merely a phenomenon of the mortal plane.
Session of May 29, 1927.

Ly Bach.
Greetings to disciples, male and female.
Be seated.
The Tao is erected through the virtuous minds and humble behavior of the disciples of the Compassionate Master. If one chooses to follow the Tao, yet still struggles and competes with the mind of an ordinary human, even though there be numerous disciples and a multitude of contributions, the Tao remains merely a phenomenon of the mortal plane. Due to human frailty, disciples themselves often generate obstacles which prevent the Tao from progressing, creating storm clouds over the firmament of the Tao. The Compassionate Master generously introduced a path of purity to the world to serve as the way to Heaven; but man, instead of purification, prefers to immerse himself instead in human failings, bringing calamity upon the heads of his brethren. Such behavior serves no one. But pay this no heed; I have my own way to correct that. Concentrate instead upon only fulfilling your own responsibility and do not bother yourselves with any others' wrongdoing. I assiduously follow our Father's will, without which there would be no possibility of redemption through meritorious service, and humanity would have no hope left though the wicked would neither be able to create chaos anymore.

Black and white, two colors; good and bad, two ways; if one is strong and perseverant, it will succeed. Evil, evil; Buddha, Buddha--two different paths. Punishment and reward shall come accordingly.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 109)

* Divine Teachings explaining how disciples still meet many difficulties in explaining the way to the next generation. Also regarding the teaching of stopping séances.
June 1, 1927.

Your Master, children.
T..., from the establishment of the Tao for the spreading of the way until now, in general, disciples have been devoted to guiding humanity and building the Tao; those disciples whom I rely upon, clear away the thorns on the path to Heaven, guiding people out of the ocean of sufferings which is this world.
The Tao was established; the feet of many human disciples are well washed; however, children, you still meet with many difficulties in spreading the Way to the next generations. A bright horizon emerges above the wave, but the vessel of enlightenment depends upon the celestial mechanism, and can often be jolted aloft, with many lost to the abyss; those are the disciples who abandon the noble virtues and are wicked of deed and sully the reputation of the precious Tao that I have lovingly endowed to you. You have suffered for the Tao, enduring humiliation in the wearing of your brown costumes while serving as the example for future generations on their path to serenity. Dear disciples, keep following the right path through its twists and turns. The sum of your merits will assure the final state for each one of you.
By the end of the 6th month, I will cease all recruiting seances. Use all your perseverance and sincerity to build the Tao henceforth. This is My last advice. Pay attention. Whoever is wicked molds their own fate. As for yourself, just keep following straight and narrow the path up the sacred spiritual ladder, awaiting the day of reunification with Me. That is the treasured way.

My blessings to you.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 110)

* Divine Teaching regarding how God has assembled immortals and Buddhas to establish the Tao in the south with a proscription not to argue but to love one another.

July 1927, Minh Ly Dan.

The Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat,
Teaching The Great Way To The Southern Quarter.
I greet you, children. Gather round. Greetings to all of you! (Laugh....) I am happy for you, Trung. I have assembled the Immortals and Buddhas to discuss establishing the Tao in the South. Children, follow My advice, do not argue among yourselves. Reach a consensus in solidarity in order to restore morality. Though there are many different branches, in the future there will be unity. Children, although you belong to different branches, love each other as brothers and sisters in the same family. Do not be jealous of each other and despise each other. I have set up this session because I knew you would be here. Trung, help Minh Ly. The Tao is like a house; it needs its principal column, secondary column, this beam and that. The smallest beam is as necessary as the largest. And though there are many, many beams to hold up this House, there is only one roof; only one Master reigns. Trung, train your disciples to know the laws and tenets of the Faith. The Tao is based on precepts. In Minh Ly, the seminary will train faithful disciples to redeem the souls of their fellow men. I will depart. Later, Thai At will come.
I ascend.
(TNHT I, 1968, p. 111)
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