History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 4/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

In Religio, la Ravista di Studi Religiosi, Mr.G.Mingiano writes:
" The caodaists are divided into two categories". The first one comprises all the Ecclesiastes, from the "pontife maximum" to the last novice, all bound to a severe diet of chastity, poverty and frugality.(they live exclusively on vegetables and fruits) rigorously observed.The hierarchy is on an initiatic basis and comprises seven grades of initiation: The highest,
that of "eldest brethren", has the exclusive privilege to communicate with the "messengers of God", high spirits of light from whom they receive energy, teaching and counsel.

“In the second category, is all the mass of the faithful, which, besides Buddhist duties, must observe humility, honesty, respect of authority, wherever found, and at last, obedience to religious authorities.Worship consists only in common prayers to which the faithful are convoked before an altar, on which is placed a great transparent sphere containing the sacred fire.On the sphere , a triangle, symbol of perfection and composition of divine energies in the triangle, the earnest eye of the Eternal.

In this religion, two aspects are, it seems to me, most original:
"The first is this:To become a Caodaist, one needs make no profession of faith, he need not be bound to any sacrament:freedom of conscience is sovereign.The institution lives and prospers, not of the forced will of its adherents, but of their free consent, their spontaneous and voluntary adhesion.As a result, no anathema greets or follows him who decides to try another way.The prayer of all, on the contrary, renders his new effort easier.And that, because the caodaists not only recognize, but feel that the terrestrial life, the life in time and space, is a trial, a test, an experiment, that each one must realize in order to make a step forward on the way of Cao-Đài, the Most-High.And each one has the right to choose his way.The search for riches, the conquest and extension of material power, are condemned by the Caodaists, because for them too, the "kingdom of God is not of this world".But it is at the same time a duty and a tight to gain economic solidarity and to be able to give moral and material assistance.This is the source of the second original aspect of Caodaism: From the civil point of view or rather for its social action, Caodaism has special institutions in crafts, teaching, agriculture, etc... to intensify its work of social welfare, coordinated and efficacious."

The review Religio follows this article of Mr. G. Mingiano with these lines:"Oriental wisdom, that marvelously shields it".

"Pai-Te-Tien was a Chinese poet.Being governor of a district, he paid a visit toa sage, a great disciple of the ZEN sect, who had chosen his dwelling in the branches of the tree.Pai seeing him, cried:"What a perilous dwelling is this tree!"To which the sage replied:"Yours is much more perilous than mine".Then follows this dialogue:
"I am governor of the district.I don't see what risk I am running!"
"Then, you don't know yourself! What peril greater than the passions that burn you and your troubled spirit?"
What is the teaching of Buddhism?"
"Don't do evil; practise good!But that, a child of three years knows.Yes, a child of three years knows it, but an old man of 80 years such asI succeeds with difficulty in applying it."

"Han-Shan, a poet, was a pure fool, who came to the monastery Kuoch'ing togather the left-overs of meals and feed on them.The monks laughed at him as a poor, innocent and harmless fool.One day, in his hermitage, Han Shan exclaimed:"I think at all those past years during which I quietly came to Kuoch'ing where everybody seeing me said:"Han-Shan is a fool." At present, I think: Am I foolish? I don't succeed in solving the problem, not knowing myself.And then, how can others understand me better than myself?"

"Be man not fond of talk, in order to find God in the silence.Pray, the heart full of desire, but without uttering a word.God shall provide thee with thy needs and hear thy voice, and welcome thy offering.As well as in a desert the water ofwhich is so sweet to him who burns with thirst, divinity is shut to him who speaks, open to him who keeps silence."

You kill one another, disputing the hills, the rivers, the lands, and the seas.You kill each other for possession of that which was createdby the One in Three, the Three in One, thought you are His children, and He is Creator of all.

Ambitious, selfish, wicked, you close your purses, and in them shut up your hearts.How will you love one another, for the love of the One in Three, the Three in One?
To preach peace, there must be love for all men.
To practise concord, pardon of all to all.
What is the highest nobleness?
What is the highest superiority?
What is the highest origin?
All men are sons of God.So God was called: the Son of Man.
You knock at the door of wisdom.A voice demands:Who is there?
You answer:It is I.And the door opens not.
You knock at the door of wisdom, a voice demands:Who is there?
And you answer again:I.Do not be astonished if the door does not open.
You knock at the door of wisdom, a voice demands:Who is there?
You hesitate but answer:Thou.At last, the door opens, and you enter into wisdom.

We were charged by the Holy See of Tây-Ninh (South Vietnam) to represent Caodaism at various International Congresses:

1 . International Spiritualistic Congress of Barcelona (1934)
We read in the Revue Spirite d' Octobre 1934 (p. 505), in the series of resolutions adopted unanimously.
"Eighth Caodaist Movement--On the motion of Mr. Gabriel Gobron, instructor in France ofCaodaism (or Reformed Buddhism, or Vietnamese spiritism), the 5th International Spiritualistic Congress held at Barcelona (1st to 10th of September, 1934) very respectfully begs the French Government to be willing - remembering the solemn promises made in March 1933 in the French Parliament by President Sarraut, then Minister for the Colonies - to establish on behalf of the Caodaists a statute as liberal as that enjoyed by the Vietnamese converted to Christianity or those remaining faithful to other Buddhist sects in the countries of the Indochina Union."

2 . World Congress of Religions, London (1936).Le Cygne (September 20, 1936) published this echo:
"At the last International Congress of Religions help in London, to which Mr. Gabriel Gobron, Instructor of Caodaism in France, participated on invitation of the Holy See of Tây-Ninh, Caodaism is recognized as the most tolerant religion in the world.Before a large attendance composed of representatives of all the Great World Religions and members of the International Press, the French Caodaist delegate declared:"Caodaism is the very experience of the reconciliation of races and peoples for which you are gathered in this place.Caodaism or Reformed Buddhism is certainly a living experience of union and religious unity.Wild applause greeted the peroration."

3 . International Spiritualistic Congress of Glasgow (1937).L'Annam Nouveau (November 14, 1937) published this echo:
"At the proposal of Mr. Gabriel Gobron, Instructor in France of Caodaism or Vietnamese Spiritualism, the 6th International Spiritualistic Congress meeting in Glasgow (September 3, 1937), after the fifth Spiritualistic Congress of Barcelona, hopes thatthe Vietnamese Spiritualists may enjoy in all the countries of the Indochinese Union the same liberties of conscience and worship as Protestant and Catholic Vietnamese, be they subjects, protégés, Eurasians or foreigners.

"The wish expressed by the International Spiritualistic Congress of Barcelona has already inaugurated a more liberal period for the Caodaists or Vietnamese Spiritualists."

That wish presented and discussed on the Philosophical Section of the Congress, was then adopted by acclamation at the popular meeting held at Mc Lellan Galleries of the 9th of September 1937.

4 . World Congress of Beliefs in Paris (1939).
Let us extract this testimony from the Revue Spirite (Paris September, 8):"The "World Congress of Faiths"which was formerly held in London, Oxford, Cambridge, took place this year in Paris, our colleague Gabriel Gobron was delegated by the Caodaists or Reformed Buddhists of Indochina to attend it.The rebukes he invoked on the Congress of London may be related here and even enlarged: The organizers, almost all English, address themselves to the historic Religions, which by their long history proved their fecundity (the very words of Mr. Lacombe,Sept. 10, 1939) and then exclude new religions, new doctrines, and still more, syncretic religions such as Caodaism: a close fusion of Buddhist, Christian, Taoist, Confucianist and Mohammedan beliefs, etc...It is useless to say that spiritism, theosophy, anthroposophy, etc ...are banished from that Congress which only seeks the collaboration of the respectable great religions, and never their close fusion or their synthesis.No comparison of superiority of religions was tolerated.The Catholic Church, though officially absent, was in fact well represented (Professor Maritain, Mr. Lacombeetc ... )and it constantly received homage.A hundred persons, many of them Anglo-saxons, officers, administrators, professors, aristocrats, high-bourgeoisie, attended the "days", Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Protestant, Mohammedan, Hindu, even interrupting the discussions sometimes outside of the agenda:"How to make the fraternal spirit reign over the world through the concourse of religions?"

The official support given to the Congress (Messrs.Champetier de Ribes and Georges Mandel), its reception in the Sorbonne by the Rector Roussy, with participation of French colonials (one General of the House of the Bey of Tunis, one Syrian Administrator,etc...), of a somewhat gaudy "French Committee", added to the prestige of those solemn sessions at the Richelieu amphitheatre on the 2nd of July, 1939.

"The best of the Congress - in spite of narrow limitations fixed by itself and legitimate reserve - was its will to claim the rights of the individual, now so mocked in all the totalitarian regimes.A resolution recalling the dictators to greater humanity was moreover adopted at the end of the Congress, and the question of refugees seems bound to be inscribed in the order of the day at the next Congress which will be held in Holland.
"A call was issued to all the official Churches.Visits to Versailles, the Paris museums, to intellectual centres, and the mosque where the very Parisian personality, Kadour Bern Ghabrit, courteously welcomed the delegates, etc ... followed the daily sittings.They talked too much, certainly, but they also acted:such a congress is an act, and bears a date.It should be proclaimed more important than the League of Nations, after one of those teas that gathered the members on certain days and revived the flame of the proselytes of the religious idea."

La Vérité, of Phnom-Penh, seat of the Foreign Mission ofCaodaism, expresses it in almost the same language (July 26, 1939):Caodaism at the Congress of Religions in Paris (pp. 1 and 5).

"Caodaism or Reformed Buddhism was represented this year at the Congress of Religions in Paris (July 3-11) by Mr. Gabriel Gobron, Instructor in France of Caodaism, who again found the leading personalities he had known in London in1936; Sir Francis Younghusband, president, and Mr. Arthur Jackman, secretary.

"The French Government had decided to give its support to the Congress of Religions, in the person of Mr. Georges Mandel, Minister of Colonies, Mr. Champetier de Ribes, Minister of Pensions, the Rector of the University of Paris, Dr. Roussy, who offered the broad Richelieu amphitheatre, in Sorbonne, for the sessions of the Congress.A French Committee, under the chairmanship of Professor Louis Massignon, and composed of various personalities:Mme de Coral-Rémusat, Mr. Jean Herbert, Mme de Margerie, the Princess A. Murat, R. de Traz, Mr. O. Lacombe, Professor Daniel Rops, etc.. . led the debates, which dwelt on the fundamental theme:How to develop the spirit of fraternal cooperation in the world by religion?

"Round this problem thus posed,we nevertheless notice Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Mohammedan, Buddhism, Jewish "days", according to the body to which the main speaker belonged.So, Tuesday, July 4thwas a "Catholic Day".The Catholic Church officially abstained from participation in the work of the Congress, but, actually, Professor Jacques Maritain, Mr. O. Lacombe, and otherCatholics played a part of first importance in the Congress week.The church was invisible, but present.

"True, the scope of the Congress was not so great, so universal as one might wish.This was due to certain limitations imposed upon the delegates.

a . No religion must make proselytes by showing its superiority over other beliefs:
b . It was not to be a matter of union, a fusion of religions, but only of collaboration with different religions while remaining separate; a religion of union, of synthesis, such as Caodaism, is thus not at ease in such a Congress.So, our Instructor in France could declare to Mr. Oliver Lacombe, vice-president of the French Committee, that he was the only "heretic" present;
c . Access to the Congress, theorically, was reserved to the great historic Religions having proved their fecundity by their long past" (speech of Mr. O. Lacombe, July 1st , 1939).

"Sir Francis Younghusband decided, however, to welcome Mr. Gabriel Gobron, according him full liberty of speech and discussion, after his presentation of official papers from Caodaist authorities at the secretariat in the Sorbonne.

"Mr. Georges Mandel, Minister for the Colonies, had assured the participation of elements of the French Empire in the work and debates.It was thus that General Hasan Husny Abdelwahab, of the House of the Bey of Tunis, an attaché of the High Commissioner for Syria, for instance, represented Islam.On the contrary, our instructor in France does not seem to have met representatives of the French elements of Asia, Hinduism and Buddhism being represented only by English elements:Bhik Khu Thittila (monastery of Rangoon), Professor Dasgupta (Calcutta) etc...

"Each day, in Paris as in London, in 1936, was composed of an exposé in the morning, then a discussion in the afternoon, followed by visits to places of interest (Versailles, Museums, etc...)and to the Intellectual circles of Paris (Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Mosquée, Association France-Grande-Bretagne, etc ... ).Our Instructor in France having criticized the organization, of the Congress of London where isolated intellectuals, representing only themselves (and sometimes their little vanities) he now held the floor for an hour or two, insisting that preference be granted in Paris to representatives of the communities, according to the very terms of the rules of the Congress at the Sorbonne. So dilettanti and amateurs found themselves set aside to the advantage of great names like Professor Jacqes Martiani (Catholic Institute of Paris).Professor Dasgupta (Hinduism), Doctor Sié (University of Nankin), General Hasan Husny Abdelwahab (House of the Bey), Viscount Samuel (ex High Commissioner for Palestine), Bhik Khu Thittila (Monastery of Rangoon), Professor Hauter (Protestant Faculty of Strasbourg), etc ...

"Tuesday the 11th marked an end to the most fraternal and curteous of work and debates.The delegates separated with pain, with a certain wrench after having passed motions, resolutions, examined projects, improvements, fixed the place of the next Congress in Holland, etc ...

"Let us note, among numerous interesting things, a resolution asking dictators to rule their peoples with greater humanity; congratulations to Chamberlain for his work of peace; thanks to French Authorities whose friendliness to all religions needs no further demonstration:the possibility was considered of Strasbourg, Jerusalem, Geneva, etc ...welcoming the next congress; and invitation to all churches to give the widest publicity to the work of the Congress, of which one orator said that it might henceforth replace the League of Nations torpedoed by politicians and their manipulators.The question of refugees was proposed for the following year.

"The French Committee decided to continue in Paris the work of rapprochement and mutual understanding between the great beliefs... Several inter-religious associations were noted in the capital and offered themselves to delegates desirous of attending their meetings and joining their efforts.

We think that the time is not far off when Caodaism will have to play an important role, by its living example, in these world Congress of Religions".

5. In 1948
As we have seen, Caodaism is a religion, a body of doctrine, a living tradition, a philosophy, in a word,a spirituality.

Bother Gago was a good prophet, the International Congresses will answer the call of higher entities, but not without difficulty.

Mr. Henry Regnault presented the first edition of the present work to the delegates to the 3rd Congress of the Worldwide Spiritual Counsel, gathered at Lausanne (Switzerland) in August, 1948.

"None of the delegates knew Caodaism.All were interested to learn that Caodaism has for its ideal the uniting of all religions and bringing of peace here below, which we also pursue."

Mr. Henry Regnault was charged by the Congress to enter into relations with the Chiefs of Caodaism asking them to join to the Worldwide Spiritual Counsel.

The answer was favorable and no doubt in 1949, in Italy, Caodaism will be represented to its credit.

The spiritual impulse of His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc, Superior of Caodaism, is considerable and his radiance oversteps the already broad frontiers of the Far-East to show itself real and growing even in Europe and the two Americas.

Le Populaire (Saigon, November 18th, 1935) published this news: At Tây-Ninh, Mr. Phạm-Công-Tắc succeeds Mr. Lê-Văn-Trung as Caodaist Pope.

"On the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Mr. Lê-Văn-Trung,Caodaist Pope, grandiose ceremonies took place at the Tây-Ninh Temple, on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of last November, in which more than five thousand faithful participated.

A Great Council composed of Hội-Nhơn-Sanh (Popular Council) and Hội-Thánh (Sacerdotal Council) was held on the 11th and 12th of November at the end of the festivals to resolve the thorny question of the succession of Mr. Lê-Văn-Trung.

Unanimously, the Hội-Nhơn-Sanh and the Hội-Thánh entrusted this difficult task to the Hộ-Pháp Phạm-Công-Tắc.All motions of confidence also obtained a unanimous vote of the Great Council.So was settled a question that has so many times attracted the attention of public opinion.

Let us hope that under the protection of the new chief, Caodaism may quietly go its way.
The newspaper noted the ceremonies:"On the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Mr. Lê-Văn-Trung, Caodaist Pope, important ceremonies will take place on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th of November at the Caodaist Temple at Tây-Ninh.

Here is the program of the ceremonies:
November 8th - 2 p.m.Great ceremonies marking the end of mourning at the Giáo-Tông-Đường.
November 9th  - 7 p.m.Transfer of the Linh-Vị to the Temple; 8 p.m.Ceremonies at the Temple.
November 10th - 7 p.m.Transfer of the Linh-Vị to the Place of Universal Brotherhood.
November 11th - 6 p.m.Ceremonies before the Cửu-Trùng-Thiên.Funeral orations pronounced by High Dignitaries.

"On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, La Presse Indochinoise (Sept. 3rd, 1936) reminded the Indochinese public of what Caodaism or Reformed Buddhism is.

"The Caodaism, new religion born in Indochina in 1926, lavished upon the first initiates, by the voice of the Supreme Master, Cao-Đài, its teachings under the form of occult messages that mediums have scrupulously selected totransmit to them for posterity.

"The interpreter of spiritism enables numerous messages emanation from Great Sages of Antiquity, to come regularly from the Beyond to the Holy See of Tây-Ninh (Cochinchina).

The adherents of Caodaism, ever more and more numerous learn that the basis of dogmas is the Law of the Three Saints: Buddha, Lao-Tze, Confucius.The general precepts of Buddhism are not to kill, not to steal, not to desire a neighbor's wife, not to bear false witness, not to be drunken.Buddhism goes far in the search for perfection when it teaches love toward one's enemy, a precept that our Occident, which has given the most afflicting spectacle of hatred cruelty, and revenge that history records, looks upon with derision.

Taoism, of which the doctrine entirely derives from the Revered Book of Supreme Reason and Virtue, develops parallel to its philosophy eminently Christian thoughts though it be nearly six hundred years anterior to Christianity.It prescribes the worship of truth and discipline of character.This shows that we may meet in the nations considered as barbarous by our ancient Europe, the practise ofmaxims of gentleness and altruism tending to the maintenance of union and benevolence among men.

Confucianism whose precepts are in no way contrary to our modern scientific spirit, shows a constant anxiety to lift humanity above bestiality by developping qualities, creating a moral and intellectual elite to guide toward happiness the incapable and ignorant who lack the primordial elements of Intelligence, Reason and Knowledge.

To the dogmas of the Three Saints are added the religion of love and kindness of Christ, the respect of the dead and the worship of the family.

In short, Caodaism gives proof of a great tolerance toward all the existing religions for it includes all, devotes itself to combat heresy; sows among the peoples a love of good and of God's creatures, the practise of virtue; love of justice and resignation; reveals to human beings the posthumous consequence of their acts, at the same time cleansing their souls.

Numerous papers announced the manifestations:"Great Caodaist Festival to the memory of Pope Lê-Văn-Trung":

"The Caodaist Temple of Tây-Ninh is very animated these days.Thousands of faithful feverishly work to finish preparations destined worthily to celebrate the memory of the dead.

"The ceremonies that begin on Thursday November 26, at 7 p.m., will last three days.It will celebrate, on the same occasion, the freedom of worship which the liberality of the French Government has granted it.All the Caodaists parishes of Indochina are called upon to participate in the grand program which includes: torchlight parade, and fireworks.
"A Great Festival in view".

We have been assured that this will be the greatest festival since the foundation of Caodaism.

La Vérité (November 20, 1936) gave an account of the joyful events in these terms:"At the Caodaist Holy See twenty thousand faithful celebrated the 10th anniversary of that religion.Mourning for Pope Lê-Văn-Trung is ended”.
(From our special correspondent, November 28th)

From all corners of Cochinchina,Cambodia and even certain Moi tribes, thousands of faithful come to the Caodaist Holy See at Tây-Ninh these days to celebrate the "Đại-Tường", after which, mourning forPope Lê-Văn-Trung will be ended.

Exactly two years ago the Caodaist Pope --to use an expression of honour here--passed away.The Caodaist schism is going to be definitely consummated on the occasion of the nomination of his successor.When in the Holy Land the leadership prudently called Monseigneur Phạm-Công-Tắc to the functions of a temporary Chief without giving him the official title of the Religion, at Mỹ-Tho, Mr. Nguyễn-Ngọc-Tương got himself granted the title Giáo-Tông (Caodaist Pope) by a few hundred followers.The new Pope so named, accompanied by a crowd of partisans, presented himself at the Temple of Tây-Ninh to take up his duties and also assisted at the funeral of the Great Departed.Entrance to the Holy See of the new Religion was forbidden to the Chief of the Mỹtho sect, for it is only on "Holy Land" that the true divine speech may come to superiors of the religion by a medium interpreter.Cao-Đài has not named His Eminence Phạm-Công-Tắc to the dignity of Supreme Chief of the Religion.

It is understandable that the Caodaist leaders are giving to the Festival of Đại-Tường an unaccustomed splendor.Flowerdecked floats would have paraded in the town of Tây-Ninh except for the refusal of the Chief of the province.We feel this refusal to be unjustified since all was carried on calmly enough.Flowery floats, torchlight procession, fireworks during three days of festival increased the popular joy.Electric lights in plenty gave to the Holy Land the aspect of an agitated little city.

We met the high Chieftains.The real Chief of the Religion, whom we had met elsewhere, before his Caodaist conversion, had worked in the customs; while our childhood friend, Lê-Thế-Vinh, chief of protocol, has been militant in the "Young Vietnam" movement for the betterment of the lot of the Vietnamese people.

This evening, mourning for Pope Lê-Văn-Trung will be lifted, speeches read, which will inform us of the movement, its tendencies, its possibilities, its future.We know that Caodaism was born only in 1926, under the impulse of turning tables, imported from France. But what the public does not know is that a half-castle Frenchman, faithful reader of Léon Denis and Allan Kardec, has paid with his own money for the propaganda of spiritualistic ideas in the colony, which has contributed much to the extraordinary development of the new religion which puts on the same rank: Confucius, Lao-Tze, Shakyamuni and Jesus Christ.That strange syncretism furthermore explains the rapid success of the movement among Vietnamese and even Cambodians.

The Government might fear for a moment this tardy birth of religion in the very middle of the 20th century; but since, our leaders have authorized its propaganda in Tonkin; Caodaist Missions have spread even to France and China.

May not the present manifestation at Tây-Ninh be used as a point of departure for the consolidation and extension of the movement, which has slackened in recent years?

The Caodaist Chiefs are ambitious to becomespiritual Chiefs of a part of the Far-East thanks to Caodaist development.

The near future will furnish us with the key of these enigmas.
Srok Sarou

*             *

More and more, Caodaism tends to unity.Unity between other religions and itself, internal unity, magnificent harmony around His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc who is one of the first followers chosen and named by the Divine Master Cao-Đài and one of the founders of the religion.His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc is the Chief, appointed inspirer of the Hiệp-Thiên-Đài, Superior Assembly of Mediums.This is a kind of Holy-Office for the proclamation and conservation of the pure doctrine and also cares for the legislative organization of the Religion.

His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc was proclaimed Superior of Caodaism by the Popular Council and by the Sacerdotal Council to replace the late temporary Pope, Mr. Lê-Văn-Trung disincarnated in 1934.

His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc is an inspired man, highly mystic, and as generally is true of mystics, a great administrator and organizer.He is a remarkable builder, for it is he who drew the plans of the Caodaist Temple of the Holy See of which the present work gives several photographic reproductions.He drew up the plans and personally saw to, point by point, all the details of the building and decoration, which is magnificent.

*             *

His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc's right hand is His Excellency Trần-Quang-Vinh, Secretary of State for National Defense in the provisional Central Government of Vietnam, since the first of June 1948.

His Eminence Trần-Quang-Vinh has been a Caodaist dignitary since 1927.He has ascended the hierarchic echelons:Lễ-Sanh, Giáo-Hữu, Giáo-Sư, then Phối-Sư.He was Chief of the ForeignMission of Caodaism.With that title, he resided in Cambodia from 1927 to 1941.From 1942 to 1948, he was a representative of the Superior of Caodaism, residing in Saigon.

Founder, organizerand Commander-in-Chief of the Caodaist Troops.
In 1931, he was sent to France and it was at that time that he created a cell of French Dignitaries and followers among which Gabriel Gobron, brother Gago and his wife, Mrs. Marguerite G. Gobron who may be addressed for information regarding the Caodaist religion in France.
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