History and philosophy of Caodaism - 8/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

The religious communion of Caodaism or Đại-Đạo Tam-Kỳ Phổ-Độ ( 3rd Amnesty of God in the Orient) receives its instructions and impulsions from Tây-Ninh’s Holy See.
 It was born in Cochinchina in 1926 and was officially declared by a letter of the late Lê-văn-Trung, former Colonial Counselor,
afterwards become Quyền Giáo-Tông (Temporary Pope: the titular being Saint Thái-Bạch’s spirit), to the Governor of Cochinchina, on the 7th of September.

The present Superior of the religion is the Hộ-Pháp Phạm-Công-Tắc whose official Delegate at Saigon is the Phối-Sư (Archbishop) Trần-Quang-Vinh.

Some former high dignitaries of Tây-Ninh’s Caodaism have left the communion and created separate sects, preserving the same name of Caodaism.Mr. Nguyễn-Ngọc-Tương, ex-Phủ (Bến-Tre’s sect) and Mr.Nguyễn-Văn-Ca, ex-Đốc-Phủ (Mỹ-Tho’s sect).

Others have gone the same way and founded other sects.

At present (1948), there are 11 sects of the Caodaist communion.Being anxious for exactness and impartiality according to our brother Gago’s spirit, here is the list of those sects and branches with the name of their chiefs and the headquarters of each:

The principal characteristic of Caodaism is the worship of Cao-Đài Tiên-Ông Đại-Bồ-Tát Ma-ha-Tát, the same God (Trời) worshipped by the five religious branches (chi) hereafter named under the name of Ngọc-Hoàng Thượng-Đế.

Here is the list of the five actual branches of Buddhism:
In 1945, Tây-Ninh’s Holy See took the initiative in working for the unification of all “chi” (branches) and all “phái” (sects).The former municipal counselor of Chợ-Lớn, Mr. Nguyễn-hữu-Đắc, was entrusted with this mission.Mr.Đắêc’s attitude being appreciated as not conforming to the spirit that animated the Holy See, he publicly gave up his project.Mr.Đắc did not cease to pursue his conversations which ended in a meeting at the Minh-Tân Pagoda at Vĩnh-Hội (Sài-Gòn).A committee was elected with Mr. Cao-Triều-Phát of Bạc-Liêu as President and Mr.Lê-Kim-Tỵ as Vice-President.

At this “Caodaist Union” (Cao-Đài Hiệp Nhứt) the orthodox Communion of Tây-Ninh and most of other sects, especially those of Bến-Tre and Mỹ-Tho did not participate.

In September 1946, Mr.Lê-Kim-Tỵ, vice-president tried vainly to convene a general assembly of sects, first at the pagoda of Minh-Tân at Vĩnh-Hội, then at Mr.Nguyễn-Ngọc-Thơ’s Bạch-Vân-Am temple at Phú-Lâm (Chợ-Lớn), the proprietors of these pagodas not having accepted the responsibilities of fact and intention of the promoter of the meeting.

At last, Mr.Lê-Kim-Tỵ took advantage of a worship ceremony at the home of ex-adjutant Bùi-Văn-Nhàn at Phú-Nhuận on the occasion of the 15th day of the 8th month (September 10th) to have acclaimed President of the Caodaist Union by a group of followers of Tiên-Thiên to which were joined some members of other sects unauthorized by their sacerdocy.Mr.Nhàn was promoted vice-president.

Tây-Ninh’s Orthodox Caodaism has no relation with “the Caodaist Union” above-mentioned.

It is good to draw attention to these various tendencies precisely to avoid confusion and to lead all those who wish for Union for Synthesis, for Communion toward its true and only actual points of Caodaist radiance, His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc, Hộ-Pháp at Tây-Ninh, and toward his active Delegate at Saigon:His Eminence Trần-Quang-Vinh, Phối-Sư.

Here is an outline on the Organization and Hierarchy of Caodaism.

The Holy See is situated at Tây-Ninh, four kilometers from the town.

We find there a great Temple that is the work of modern Sino-Vietnamese religious architecture conceived and realized by His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc himself, the size of which is comparable to that of European Cathedrals.

Important religious services are installed there as well as agricultural, forest and industrial (saw-mill, brick-yard, etc.) works.

It is a holy city equipped with a school, a hospital, a market, a playing-field, broad, clean and well-maintained streets.

At present, numerous crews of workmen of various specialities work feverishly at equipping and town-planning.

The inner enclosure is protected by a semi-military armed guard, who are preparing recruits destined for self-defence posts in the provinces.

The Holy See houses a population of more than 10,000 persons.Outside the enclosure, there is an agglomeration of followers estimated at more than 80,000 inhabitants.

The Religion’s Direction comprises:
I - The Cửu-Trùng-Đài or Executive Body which represents the Temporal Power;
II - The Hiệp-Thiên-Đài or Legislative Body which represents the Spiritual Power.From an esoterical point of view, this Body holds the mystic power.
III - The Cơ-Quan Phước-Thiện or Works of Charity (Charitable Body)

At the head of Cửu-Trùng-Đài, is enthroned the Giáo-Tông (Pope) whose titular is Saint Lý-Thái-Bạch’s Spirit.Since the creation of the religion, the late Lê-Văn-Trung is the only human being who received the title of Quyền Giáo-Tông (Temporal Pope) and was the true Chief of the Religion.He has not yet his successor.Wanting the Giáo-Tông, the Hộ-Pháp, Chief of Hiệp-Thiên-Đài, became Superior of Caodaism.

The hierarchy of the dignitaries of Cửu-Trùng-Đài is schematically established in the following fashion:
 For the Administration of the Religion, the Cửu-Trùng-Đài comprises 9 religious Ministries or “Viện”:
1 . Lại-Viện. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Interior
2 . Lễ-Viện . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rites
3 . Hòa-Viện . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Security
4 . Hộ-Viện. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Finances
5 . Lương Viện . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Supplies
6 . Học-Viện. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Education
7 . Nông-Viện. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agriculture
8 . Công-Viện. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Works
9 . Y-Viện. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Health

At the head of Hiệp-Thiên-Đài is placed the Hộ-Pháp (Grand Chief of the Legislative Body) assisted by a Thượng-Phẩm and a Thượng-Sanh.
These three high dignitaries command the Thập-Nhị Thời-Quân (12 members of the Legislative Body).

The Hierarchy of the dignitaries of Hiệp-Thiên-Đài is established, according to the divine instruction, in the following way (see table) :

The Secondary Cadre of Hiệp-Thiên-Đài comprises the following dignitaries:
The Cơ-Quan Phước-Thiện (Charitable Body) mainly looks after the aged, widows, orphans, in short all the underprivileged, whether they belong to Caodaism or not.They morally and materially support the families of dignitaries who have vowed to abandon their homes to consecrate themselves entirely to Religion.

To reach that aim, it is important that this organism have at its disposal necessary financial and material means.For this purpose, the Charitable Body received the authorization of the Sacerdotal Body to set itself to forest and industrial works, to the development of rice and food cultivation, to the breeding of cattle and pigs, and even to activities of local commerce.The gratuitous help of the voluntary members of the Charitable Body is utilized according to their competence and skills.
At present, the dignitaries of the highest rank of the Charitable Body reach only the rank of “Chí-Thiện” (Priest).

For practical reasons, Caodaism has adopted as religious circumscriptions, existing administrative divisions in Cochinchina.

It comprises five “Trấn” led by Khâm-Trấn-Đạo who are chosen among the dignitaries having the rank of Giáo-Sư (Bishop).

Each province has at its head a Khâm-Châu-Đạo who ranks among the Giáo-Hữu (Priest).

The Đầu-Tộc-Đạo administers an area corresponding to a government administrative delegation.He is chosen among the Lễ-Sanh (Student Priest).

The Đầu-Hương-Đạo, chief of a village parish, ranks among the Chánh-Trị-Sự (lesser dignitary).

In hamlets, there are Phó-Trị-Sựor Tri-Lý-Đạo and Thông-Sư or Thông-Lý-Đạo (lesser dignitaries).

The provincial dignitaries hold their seats either in Văn-Phòng (offices) especially organized for that purpose or in meeting-places where they install their offices.

A document of 1946
Caodaism: its origin, character, and projects
Caodaism is of a spiritual essence.Its creation proceeds from spiritism.Its doctrine and worship were taught to men by the interpreter of the billed-basket.Messages came either from the Supreme God, Cao-Đài Himself, or Superior Spirits such as Lý-Thái-Bạch, the Chinese Poet Ly-Tai-Pe of the Đường (Tang) dynasty, now become spiritual Pope of Caodaism.Spirits of European great men among others: Victor Hugo (Nguyệt-Tâm Chơn-Nhơn) often intervened to dictate religious precepts in verse.

Caodaism is an amalgam, a synthesis of existing religions:Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. - It does not neglect animistic worships and the deification of heroes of the Sino Vietnamese antiquity.

The architecture of the Đền-Thánh (Great Temple) which draws the admiration of foreign tourists by its audacious conception and scope, was inspired by the Pope Lý-Thái-Bạch or Hộ-Pháp Phạm-Công-Tắc, present Superior of Caodaism, who had the merit of accomplishing the building with very reduced means under the most unfavourable circumstances.It is artistically decorated with all the symbols of the associated religions, legends and beliefs of the Sino-Vietnamese folklore:This heterogeneous mixture makes of it a monument of great originality.The most characteristic of innovations, is the Tower of Saker (Nghinh-Phong Đài) from where melodious and enchanting modulations of an invisible chorus mysteriously escape.It is crowned with a fabulous animal, the Dragon-Horse (Long-Mã) that carries on its back the first signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

The worship has its peculiarities.Prostrations are made not with joined flat hands, but with hands so joined as to form a ball, both thumbs being hidden inside.Instead of three traditional sticks of incense, five are burned at each ceremony.Offerings of flowers, tea and alcohol are made on an altar where the Oriental Gods are close to Jesus Christ.The religious emblem is the divine Eye darting its beams on a cosmic globe.This is the eternal light.

The administrative structure is that of a modern State.There are the Executive Power (Cửu-Trùng-Đài) the Legislative Power (Hiệp-Thịên-Đài) and the Charitable Body (Cơ-Quan Phước-Thiện), distinctive token of the religion.

The Cửu-Trùng-Đài or Executive Power is divided into three branches (Phái):

· Thượng or Taoism, symbol: azure.
· Ngọc or Confucianism, symbol:red.
· Thái or Buddhism, symbol:yellow.

These three colours form the tricoloured banner of Caodaism.

The Caodaist regime is fundamentally democratic.Nominations and promotions in the Episcopal hierarchy are first submitted to an assembly of Faithful (Hội Nhơn Sanh) composed of representatives of parishes in the ratio of one delegate per 500 members or fraction thereof.They are then submitted to the Sacerdotal Council, the High Council, and finally, the Spiritual Pope Lý-Giáo-Tông.

The Holy See is situated at Tây-Ninh, 4 kilometers from the chief-town of the province.

It is a town having an area of 100 hectares, equipped with modern installations, printing-house, police-station, play-ground, weaving-mill and furniture-factory, administrative offices and also an undertaking-service.It has its brickyard, sawmill, and public-works.Its kitchens and refectories are of considerable size.

Caodaism has seen 22 years of existence (in 1948).It might take on more breadth.It is busy with its works of reconstruction and arrangement.

It knew its hard beginnings.The persecutions were due to a want of understanding on the part of some, and the evil intent of others.
Interior dissensions gave birth to eleven dissident sects.
The war was a hard blow for Caodaism.The five-year absence of the Superior Phạm-Công-Tắc, exiled from 1941 to 1946 to Madagascar with five of his dignitaries, deprived it of its most dynamic animators.
The demolition of buildings and other unavoidable consequences of military operations, are hard felt.
There remain of the archives and the old library only valueless documents.
The projected monastery remains in the blue-print stage.
All now must be reconstituted, reconstructed, re-begun.
To a religion, time does not matter.
Relying on its faith and divine protection, Caodaism continues its way, softly but certainly, to accomplish the Celestial Mission.

Future projects:
It does not lack ambitions in the domain of realizable projects:
“To make of Caodaism a religion of State, the national religion of Vietnam;”
“To make of the Caodaist Holy See a center of pilgrimage and tourism, not only for Vietnam and its neighbouring countries, but also and especially for the far nations of Europe and America;
“To extend proselytism in the world and have, at least in the great capitals, meeting-places where Caodaist missionaries shall come preaching the Love of Neighbour and Universal Brotherhood”.
To realize these dreams, Caodaism knows that it counts on the sponsorship of the New France, a Great Friend and a Good Counselor.
Saigon, November 10th, 1946.
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The Law of reincarnation, when one seeks to the sources of Wisdom, is at the origin of all religions.Every searcher of truth in the Orient or Occident, every truly religious person, without distinction of belief, must conceive and recognize that that law is unique from an esoteric point of view and shall always remain so; whence the certitude of the immortality of the soul and the evolution of each being after successive existences.

Caodaism or Reformed Buddhism, in order to realize religious unity, takes into consideration the pure principles acknowledged as being eternal truths of the Four Great Religions and practises the broadest tolerance toward all forms of Faith, however reserving for itself to bring them back, by persuasion, to the original Unity.

Now, our doctrine is founded by Spiritism, on the teaching of our Divine Master, it is natural that we should conceive of the Reincarnation, in the manner of spiritualists of India and the Occident and take as a fundamental Axis the karmic Law that was taught of old the secret seal in the temples of India, Chaldees and Egypt.It is simple, comprehensible, because for common people and learned persons, truth does not change its form,As the sun that shines for all over the world, the divine Law is applied to all the universe and even imposed upon vegetation and the beasts.

Is it not the goal of every religious man to reach the Wisdom of the Soul?Is it not the eternal Glory of all spirits to acquire the riches of God’s virtue and be rendered immortal.The result is learning to know oneself first, and then knowing, by conscience, the Being who must be.To reach this supreme aim, from unclean matter to pure Divinity, all vitality, all energy, all being, makes its way tramping through numerous reincarnations.Now, who says Reincarnation says Suffering, who says Suffering says Love.Christ, Buddha, LaoTze and Confucius did not step aside from that way.The Truth taught by our Divine Master and conceived by each of those instructors of Humanity is always one.

They who pretend otherwise are far from Truth.They are persons rushing to enjoy a beatitude and perfect rest after the hard terrestrial trial and who would pass in one bound from our planet to the Seventh Heaven and Nirvana.To those eager for easy Paradise, we must recall that great occultists as well as great philosophers who have affirmed successive lives, believed that the soul, arrived at perfection, ceases to be reincarnated to live a life of Cosmic transcendence.But to reach perfection of the soul is a long journey.The number of stages depends on each spirit.Meanwhile, successive lives are necessary for the extension of sensibility, the development of intelligence and the exercise of will.This theory is the only one that gives a plausible explanation of the evolution of the soul by uniting it to the Law of Reincarnation.

Such is the Law of strict justice proving the real and infinite kindness of God.His Creatures are responsible only for their actions and the conscience is a severe judge who marks each suffering with a step taken toward evolution.

From the preceding statement, it is easy to understand that the reincarnated being does not wholly differ from the terrestrial being, which we might know.Little by little, as it accumulates existences, the spirit creates an individuality that is permanent, constantly keeps on improving it, what ever may be the different bodies that it momentarily animates later to be abandoned.The progress of the spirit or the soul increases according to the merit of each life, but the evolution does not prevent the soul, in certain cases, from spontaneously remembering his past lives.Mr. Leon Denis has, on the problem of being and Destiny, given precious indications and God has granted them to give the world proof of the reality of successive existences.

In his Treatise on Egyptian Mystic, Jambique expresses the following:
God’s Justice is not the Justice of men.Man defines Justice in relation to his actual life and his present state.God defines it relatively to our successive lives and to the universality of our lives.Thus the pains that afflict us are often punishments for sin which the soul has committed in a previous life.

They who pretend the contrary ill understand the divine Justice.As Allan Kardec so justly wrote:we must be born and reborn and ceaselessly progress.Knowledge of this law will enable men to destroy utterly within themselves all selfishness, hate, envy and pride.It will teach to all the acceptance of suffering for the perfection of the soul and help those who suffer to understand the reasons for inequalities herebelow.By placing the divine above the human, it puts at the Zenith of the Cosmos the key to all problems.

*         *

According to the teachings of the Supreme Being, the Doctrines of the various religions through the centuries have been denatured and badly practised even by those who were charged with spreading them.The order and peace of the days of old are effaced, the moral Law of Humanity is quite betrayed, the world is at present in darkness.A new religion is needed, capable of maintaininghumanity in the love of creation and fraternization of all races.The Caodaist Doctrine sets itself this heavy task.To the eternal truth, to the divine Law, Caodaism conforms its dogmas and principles.It respects others’ beliefs when those beliefs are not of a nature to lead humanity to Fanatism or Heresy.Where certain truths are deformed by superstitious conceptions of ignorance, the new religion undertakes to re-establish them in their true meaning.The scheme of our great way tends not only to conciliate all religious convictions, but also to adapt itself to all degrees of spiritual evolution.

From a moral point of view, our Doctrine reminds man of his duties toward himself, his family, society, which is a wider family, and finally humanity, the universal family.

From a philosophical point of view, it preaches disinterestedness toward honours, riches, luxury, in a word, a freeing from the servitude of matter to seek in spirituality the full quietude of the soul.

From the point of view of worship, it recommends the adoration of God, the Father of All, the veneration of Superior Spirits who constitute the August Occult Hierarchy and the Founders of great Religions, true instructors of Humanity.

From a spiritualistic point of view, it confirms, in harmony with other religions and with the systems of spiritualistic and psychical philosophy, the existence of the soul, its survival of the physical body, its evolution by the plurality of existence, the post-humous consequences of human action ordered by the karmic Law.

From the point of view of the initiate, it communicates to those of the dignitaries who are worthy, revealed teachings that shall empower them, by a process of spiritual evolution, to accede to ravishments of beatitude.

To evangelize the world and unite all the Master’s children, we, his disciples, have only to draw our force and wisdom from his divine teachings.His doctrine is a reformed doctrine, the only one capable of bringing back universal Peace drawn from the fusion of the principal religions of the Orient and of Christianity, and actually spread over much of the terrestrial globe under different forms.With him, we shall dissipate everything that is of error and pretension, overthrow all obstacles and everywhere sow Wisdom and Love.

The spotless Truth can come only from Him, for all human bodies are subject to error, and no one herebelow can penetrate His secrets.

He is the true Father and Master of Humanity because it is from Him that comes all our being.Father, He gives us Vitality; Master, He bequeaths us his own Divinity.

Note.- The Buddhist Truth on the karmic Law is always the same as Gautama Buddha said:
“The Present is the Result of the Past which was our Work.
The Future shall bring forth an effect of which the Present is the cause.”
Saigon, November 10th, 1946.
The Delegate of the Superior of Caodaism
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The newspaper “Le Khmer”(5-30-37) briefly interviewed His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc, present Superior of Caodaism.Here is the text of the interview:

“We shall not undertake to revive, in these lines, the show and splendor of the ceremonies marking the inauguration of the Caodaist temple of PhnomPenh, our colleagues having done it so well.

We only aim at examining with our readers, with all impartiality, the declaration that His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc, Supreme Chief of the Caodaist Religion, so kindly gave us.

We were profoundly moved and touched at the welcome we received from this man, by his modesty and by his great simplicity!Our conversation was cordial, friendly, we might say fraternal, for at no time did His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc try to pontificate, nor give proof of the least intolerance”.

He is a very enlightened man.His religious conceptions are no doubt somewhat different from ours, but the ideal pursued is so beautiful, that we could only bow before his sincere faith, reminding ourselves of what is sung in all the Christmas song:

“Glory to God in the highest.And on earth peace, good will toward men!”

We shall add that after having seen and heard, we esteem that the Caodaists are truly men of good will.

To a question we asked him on the subject of the doctrine exposed in the pamphlet graciously handed to all visitors, expressed thus:

“Without being polytheist in fact, it is so in principle, for besides the official adoration of the Supreme God, it allows its believers the free veneration of other gods who have conquered their hearts”.

In effect, we remarked to His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc that in all the revelations made to men on the subject of the Divinity, it was an acknowledged fact, even to the occultists, that there was only one God, in three persons, called by the appellation of “Divine Triad”.

That’s right, replied His Holiness Phạm-Công-Tắc, but for us, God is:
“The Incommensurable, the Eternal, the Most High, the Absolute.He has no name”.

In our religion, the word “gods” that has shocked you, has not the heathen meaning you lend it, it simply designates spirits completely detached from matter and approaching the Most High as near as possible.

They are, in a way, saints.
The names of our Eternal are given him by every people and under different forms.
These different names separate humanity instead of uniting them, that is why we don’t call him God, but the Most High, the Absolute, the Eternal.

To another question concerning Christ, the answer was also categorical:
“We don’t seek to destroy Christ’s doctrine, we come, on the contrary, to strengthen it, for it is impossible to deny the existence of Christ.Our efforts aim at preparing, by spirituality, the regeneration of humanity, which seems to have forgotten all the maxims of Christ, which if they had been followed, should have kept peace in the world.

Caodaism is the bridge cast over the deep chasm (that seemed impassable) separating Christ from Buddha, who was his Precursor, the harmony of whose doctrines, completing one another, is necessary to the union of the Occidental and Asiatic peoples, that fraternity may reign between them.”
We could only bow before so wise a saying, which, furthermore, corresponds to that of Christ.
“I am not come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets.I am not come to destroy but to fulfill.”

It is moreover strange to find that in recent years, in the whole world the number of men who take an interest in the Holy Scriptures, increases steadily.This need of belief is typical and is for us the tangible proof that the time foretold by Daniel and Saint John, when Christ is going to return to the earth to give to each his due, is near.

So, we can only rejoice in the work undertaken by Caodaism, that of bringing back to Christ, by a necessary transition, the lost sheep of the Far-East, in order that,according to Saint John:

“One shepherd and one flock”
Le Populaire d’Indochine (11-27-36) also had an interview with the Superior of Caodaism under circumstances as follows:

“A crowd estimated at some twenty thousand persons occupies the alleys, the gardens and the “woods” of Tây-Ninh since yesterday.

They have come from all parts of Cochinchina, some by boat, others by cart.They camp in the open air, men and women, seated on mats, near the big oxen that have brought them here.

Tây-Ninh is in holiday.Tây-Ninh is celebrating the end of mourning for the late Pope Lê-Văn-Trung.

On the square of “Universal Fraternity” which is illuminated by the garish light of a sweltering sun, a big altar has been erected to the memory of the former Chief of Caodaism.

On this altar is stretched an immense cloth representing Mr.Lê-Văn-Trung with his sacerdotal trappings.

From both sides of the gigantic esplanade which is the place of “Fraternity” are lined up, province by province, the delegations from the interior with their chiefs, banners, and oriflammes.A new rule established only since Mr.Lê-Văn-Trung’s death reduced the period of mourning to twenty months instead of twenty four.

But, for Mr.Lê-Văn-Trung, the old rule was maintained.

While awaiting the great night festival, we went to pay a visit to Mr.Lê-Văn-Trung’s successor, Mr.Phạm-Công-Tắc in his small villa, at the very end of the alley “Thượng-Trung-Nhựt”.

Mr. Phạm-Công-Tắc welcomed us with the delicate courtesy for which he is well known.

He gracefully answered all our questions:
“Have you come into communication with Mr.Lê-Văn-Trung’s spirit?
- Yes, many times.
- By yourself or through a medium?
- Through a medium, though I am a medium myself, and could make direct contact with the later Pope’s spirit.
- What recommendation did he make?
- To do our best to open our religion to all faiths, all beliefs, in broad spirit of tolerance, to destroy the materialist error wherever we shall meet it.
- Tell us of the work of propaganda of Caodaism abroad.
- It is not an easy work, for it is not proper to wound the susceptibilities of the nations to which we come.
- For our propaganda in China, the members of the mission are already named, but they are at present finishing their cultural formation in the Seminary.
- How many Caodaist seminaries are there?
- Two: one at Tây-Ninh, the other at PhnomPenh.The government has suggested that we discontinue them.But that is not possible, for we must form true priests.
- Have you any Frenchmen in your religion?
- Oh yes.Many Frenchmen are beginning to learn our religion by correspondence.
In France, Mrs. Felicien Challaye bears the executive powers with the title “Giáo-Sư” (that is, bishop) while Mr.Gabriel Gobron carries the legislative powers with the title of “Tiếp-Dẫn Đạo-Nhơn” (i.e. Instructor).
-What is the actual number of followers of Caodaism?
-At one time, the schism of Bến-Tre did our religion an injury which saw numerous faithful turn away from it.But now, we have reached nine tenths of the number of followers we had at the moment of the greatest extension of Caodaism.The figure is more than one million. In Tonkin, we have between 6 and 7,000 faithful.
With these words, we take leave of Mr.Phạm-Công-Tắc, because many other callers wish to talk with the Pope.
From 7 o’clock in the evening on, the gardens of Tây-Ninh are illuminated by thousands of Chinese lanterns, while paper images representing Genii are illuminated by soft lights.

A spotless moon gives this ceremony a somewhat unreal character.

Ten thousand of the faithful already occupy the spots reserved to them in the parade of the great procession.

And one cannot deny that a certain mysticism emanates from that quiet moon-white train, from that endless parade under big trees that not the least breeze stirs nor the least cry disturbs.

Caodaism, among its other adversaries, has also met certain spiritualists, in spite of its origin of spiritualistic practises (at least, in the qualified Sacerdocy).It seems that spiritism is a new wine that bursts old bottles: a mass of followers having understood nothing of the explosion of spiritism in our ultramodern world, have squabbled and disputed with one another to know whether it is a philosophy, a science, a religion, without knowing (or without wishing to know) that it is all these at the same time and does not bear that artificial compartmentalizing of pedants and illiterates.

We then have religious spiritualistic countries (Great Britain, Brazil, etc.) and scientific spiritualistic countries (France, Italy, Cuba, Argentina, etc.).Better: in the same country, we find groups with a religious tendency (Christic spiritism in England, France, etc.) and associations with a scientific tendency (Revue Spirite at Paris, Revue Spirite Belge at Liege, etc.)

Scientific spiritualists, in general, are hostile to Caodaism, which they reproach for its ceremonies, rites, Sacerdocy, “catechisms”, and at the slightest provocation, those good apostles would excommunicate it without a trial!I know what I say in writing these painful observations.

They would have an Asia more Voltarian than Voltaire!Such ignorance is not encouraging...

Mr.Phạm-Công-Tắc, Superior of Caodaism, wrote to me, on the 25th of March 1935, from the Holy See at Tây-Ninh (Cochinchina), a letter that I publish, not for the flattering appreciations it contains about me (perhaps, you will believe me if I confess this:I have not yet come to work impersonally, anonymously, as every advanced Initiate ought to work for social service, but I have come to an absolute indifference before praise and blame expressed about my work and me), but for certain teachings, for certain precisions which it contains:
“My dear Brother,

Our Brother, Mr. Vinh, has shared with me all your letters as well as your articles appearing in various reviews.

Allow me to thank you with all my heart for busying yourself with the new Doctrine with such a noble self-sacrifice our Divine Master holds you in great consideration, and we pray that He may give you better health to be able to continue without interruption the work you have so well undertaken,This very evening, I am going to conduct divine service and present to that end a petition to our Divine Master.Do believe that I have been very sorry to hear that you are suffering and that, from time to time, illness confine you to your bed.You must be well to work.Man has but few years to live on this earth of trials, and time is precious to him, very precious, when he knows how to use it.

Humanity lives in suffering.It is our duty to seek, by all means, if not to end those sufferings, at least to relieve them.So long as we draw a breath of life, let us work, always work for the regeneration of man, his perfection, the fraternization of races, the universal peace, that so much promised (and so little realized) peace.

Thanks to your unwearying activity that you have made known the new Doctrine in numerous spots of various countries.I beg you to persevere in your task, for I am firmly convinced that one day soon, your efforts shall be crowned with success.

I am sure that our Divine Master and numerous spirits watch over you and inspire you marvelously.

Always keep in close and regular relations with spiritualistic circles and help their members understand that, by the Divine Will, we Cochinchinese, have but a little mission that limits itself to the creation of a Sacerdocy to whom we inculcate a Faith, a great Faith in God, and it needs the gathering of all spiritualistic messengers of the whole world to prepare the New Gospel capable of renovating the World in the way of Truth; in order that man may walk no more in darkness and that he may know where he comes from, what he is doing in the present life, and what he will become after death.

You are very specially named for that great task.God made you polyglot for the purpose.You have that great advantage over all of us here, who, besides our mother tongue, speak and write French but imperfectly.

I know that Spiritualists have among them immutable principles; they do not want religion, nor cumbersome rites, it will be very difficult to make them admit our ideas and accept our new Faith.But I have confidence the God and the spirits will help you in this difficult task, and when the time comes, their Great Master Allan Kardec, will manifest himself to bring them back toward us.The Spirit Victor Hugo, under the pseudonym “Symbol”, has sent them several messages.

On the other hand, Brother Francois of PhnomPenh has shared with me his answer to Brother Henri Francois, of France.I fully approve of its terms ...I am pleased to quote:“Intellectuals, scholars are generally carried to extremes:they are either atheists or believers, sometimes to the point of intolerance, not to say fanatism.Let us follow in the Golden Mean, as the sage Confucius recommends.

Here-inclosed is the translation of a message our Brother Cao-Đức-Trọng (Tiếp-Đạo) and I have obtained from Victor Hugo’s Spirit, concerning dignitaries of Hiệp-Thiên-Đài .Please read the explanations given on this subject to Brother Henri Francois by his namesake of Cambodia.

“I think that you have solicited by many persons as to how we shall succeed in unifying all Religions which, by their principles, dogmas, rites, beliefs, etc. ... are so clearly different, even opposing and contradicting one another, not to say posing as adversaries.
“We might answer by these few sentences which, in my opinion, explain the question quite clearly in spite of being somewhat laconic.
“Let us consider Religions as departments of a University”.
“To be admitted into one of these departments, a student must first have his B. A., a key giving him access to the University of his choice.
“To have his diploma, a student must pass through the primary and elementary classes and so on, where he must acquire a sufficient range of diverse, even heterogeneous knowledge.
“To form a University, there must be several departments.Each department has its particular teaching, but all must be under one leadership:a president.
“Broad acquired knowledges will always be useful to the student in the future and give him the stamp of a learned man.In the department of his choice, he must improve the studies of choice, but the others already acquired are not useless at all.An engineer is versed in mathematics, a physician anatomy, a lawyer must be schooled in the law, but each of them has to know, in addition, letter, figures, a little of other matters, always necessary in life.
“In spite of their particular knowledge, their professions, they cannot live outside society.
“So, society re-unites them after their graduation.Moreover, the engineer cannot get along without the physician, or the physician without the engineer.
“It is the same with religions.
“A lay man must have acquired some principles of morals, some notions of philosophy, etc. to be well thought of, and not be expelled from Society.He thus prepares himself for entry into a religion to his taste.
“Religions are like University departments: superficially their dogmas, beliefs, etc. ... seem to be out of harmony with one another, they often are in opposition.They must be so, for each one has a taste, a tendency, a desire, an instruction, and an education completely different of that of his neighbor.
“Religions were differently created because of the stage of civilization of peoples, the degree of evolution, the atmosphere, place of their birth, their manners and customs, etc.But above all these things, seeming so diverse, there is the Creator, God, i.e. the Universal Conscience who unites all men in spite of the diverse colors of their skin, their degree of civilization, etc....
“It belongs to Caodaists to place themselves at the service of the “Great Faith in God” for that “Union”.It will put an end to the terrible “nightmare”, fratricidal world war, by which men are obsessed and which is even now being prepared so actively in Europe.”
*             *
In the Service of Caodaism
I have given much of my life to Caodaism.I have shared its pain, its sorrows, and its discouragements, at tragic times when doctors of philosophy and sons of hate were bullying it and persecuting it in hundreds of cynic or hypocritical ways.I have lived its joys, its hopes, its triumph, at happy moments when knights of the spirit and men of good will were granting it a truce or recognizing its tight to more justice.

In spite of precarious health, I have made these sufferings my own; they were sometimes added to my almost daily worries.To the trial of Caodaism were added, in a painful fraternity, my own karmic reparations.After overwhelming hopeless days, a ray of light has from time to time pierced the cloud, and the sun has swept the Ardennes fog.It was my health that, once more, recovered for a time; it was some newspaper or letter which, by air or sea mail, brought from Indochina joyous news which made me exult.

For 13 years, I have thus lived the life of my brethren of Vietnam, making it one with my own.

I have regretted a thousand times having no more spiritual power, useful relations, talent and lucidity, in order to help them better in their constructive efforts as well as in their silent distresses.I would do much for them, and I feel, in all humility, that I have done very little!Forgive me, my good my kind Vietnamese brethren, for having been so little the Instructor in France that you solemnly named, for having been only the humble follower you familiarly call:
“Brother Gago”
Rethel, 1937 - 1938 - Nancy, 1939

*             *
About Mr.Chiêu, the first Caodaist, la Revue Caodaiste No. 22, March 1933), on the occasion of his disincarnation, brings us some details.

I - His childhood
The Phủ Ngô-Văn-Chiêu was born on the 28th of February 1878 at Bình-Tây (Chợ-Lớn) in a modest house situated behind the pagoda dedicated to Quan-Đế, the Chinese Turenne.

At birth, he refused his mother’s breast, and had to be given, instead of natural milk, rice soup.

His parents, who were very poor, later came to live at Mỹ-Tho, and commended him to the care of his aunt, who sent him to school.Endowed with a quick intelligence, he soon was conspicuous and, when at twelve, he presented himself to the Administrator of the province of Mỹ-Tho to solicit a scholarship; it was granted.Admitted as a scholarship-boarding student, first at primary school, then at the college of Mỹ-Tho, he worked earnestly and passed with success his competition for a government position.At that time, this envied position was the crowning touch to a French-Vietnamese secondary education.Aged 21 years, the young man contented himself with it, for want of being able to carry his study further, and in order to help his parents.

II. His life as an official and his religious vocation.
The new official was appointed to the Immigration Service at Saigon.He spent three years there, from 1899 to 1902.Having a natural tendency for religious things, he liked to tell the stories of saints and adventures of the immortals of antique China that he had heard narrated by Chinese comrades, when he was at his aunt’s, who was married to a Chinese.One day, one of his friends surprised him relating a tale of saints to some little Chinese pupils at Cho-Lon, to whom he gave private lessons every evening.He had a great respect for Genii and Saints.At home, he had erected an altar in honor of Quan-Thánh Đế-Quân.He often recited the “Minh-Thánh-Kinh”, a book of prayers whose author was a spirit of that great general, a man of high virtue, who fasted two days per month.

In 1902, during a spiritualistic seance that took place at Thủ-Dầu-Một, where he was present, a superior Spirit was manifested and, after having revealed to him his future religious mission, advised him to practice the Đạo without delay.

Some copies of this fine book are still to be found at: Mme Veuve G. Gobron, 9, rue de Serre, à Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle)
Extract from the preface by Valentin Bresle, founder and director of the Mercure Universel, 12, rue Fromentin, Paris (9ème)
Valentin Bresle has since greatly developed these esoteric theories in Thesaurus Magiae and in Thesaurus Sapentiae.

The British National Spiritist Association was founded in 1873, partly through the initiative of Rev. Stainton Moses who formed eleven years later the Spiritualist Alliance of London, today the most powerful in England.(page 35, Rene Sudre, Introduction a la Metapsychique humaine, Payot Edition 1926).

Thanks to the help of Stainton Moses and several other, Crookes succeeded in founding on February 20, 1862 the “Society for Psychic Research” (S.PR.) “Which played a considerable role in the history of metaphysics”.(Op. cit. Page ).
Tham Khảo.
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