The Collection of Divine Messages - 1/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

Divine Teaching of the Jade Emperor, introducing Himself and announcing the names of the twelve disciples.
Christmas, 1925:
I have reigned supreme for millennia.
Those who improve themselves spiritually will receive blessings.
The miraculous way has been taught and followed
Throughout the world for millennia.

Rejoice this day, the 24th of December, the anniversary of my arrival in Europe to teach the Way! Your allegiance brings much joy to me. Blessings will fill this house.

The Collection of Divine Messages - 2/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

Divine Orders commanding the first disciples to go to Can Giuoc to avert the evil that would otherwise befall His disciples there. God also establishes the three lords of the earth, provides their baptismal names and demonstrates how the ceremony for the taking of oaths should be arranged.

August 9, 1926
The first day of the seventh month of the Year of the Fire Tiger

First Contact:

The Collection of Divine Messages - 3/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

* Divine Teaching explaining why one must take the Tao to heart rather than being led to confusion as one tries to walk the spiritual path waking too late to realize your own folly.
Monday December 6, 1926
The 2nd day of the 11th month of the year of the Yang Fire Tiger

Jade Emperor or Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat
Teaching The Great Tao to The Southern Quarter
Greetings to all disciples, beloved daughters and guests.

I, out of great love and mercy, have founded the Third Amnesty of the Great Way based on love of life,

The Collection of Divine Messages - 4/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

1 - What is the Tao?
Tây Ninh (Gò Kén temple) Year of Yang Fire Tiger 1926.

Here is your Master, children!
What is the world?
How are human beings like guests in this world?
Why are they called guests?

The world is a place full of sufferings where Saints and Immortals who committed crimes are exiled to pay their Karmic debts. If they succeed, they may return to their original home (Nirvana) from whence they came, if not, they have to reincarnate again to the world. That’s why their spirits are called guests.

The Collection of Divine Messages - 5/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

Quan Thánh Đế Quân
Greetings to all disciples, all sisters and living beings.
The eyes of wisdom illuminate the universe,
With holy virtues, I care to maintain
Vietnam in prosperity and peace,
And to open the Tao’s gate unto the world.

Quan Âm, Buddhisattva of the South Sea:
Greetings to all disciples, all sisters, and all living beings.
The primordial faith in the South saves living beings,
Using the holy virtues to change the world’s situation.

The Collection of Divine Messages - 6/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

51 - The Supreme Being teaches: I am grieved by the division among you.
Tây Ninh Holy See, the 5th day of the 5th month of the year Mậu Thìn (6-22-1928)

Your Master is here!
Children, each of you have chosen your own path. I am grieved by the disagreement among. I shall leave you alone to decide how to be: virtuous or evil. If you are of a determined and strong character, the Tao would be in harmony, and you shall advance toward My presence; if you vacillate in your virtue, the road of notoriety shall lead you to the abyss. Expending your strength on dividing yourselves would simply exhaust you; you would have nothing left over to uplift, support or counsel one another

The Collection of Divine Messages - 7/7 (Tòa Thánh Tây Ninh)

69 - Nhàn Âm Đạo Trưởng teaches to be awakened and spiritually strong to avoid destruction
The 12th day of the 5th month of the year Canh Ngọ (June 8, 1930)
Here is Nhàn Âm Đạo Trưởng,
Greetings to brothers and sisters,

I follow the order of the Supreme Being to address you, my beloved brothers and sisters.

History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 1/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

Reformed Buddhism, Vietnamese Spiritism. New Religion in Eurasia.
Translated from the original French by Pham-Xuan-Thai.

Being an eminent polyglot, an indefatigable inquirer in the world of the Spirit and spirits, novelist, historian, journalist and teacher, Gabriel was a curious man and himself a curiosity.A Great soul, by his overflowing intellectual generosity, he was an ardent polemicist.

He was curious indeed, but without dilettantism: when he thought to have discovered a spiritual beauty, a philosophical or religious truth, he liked to make it known and shared by others at once.He would not hesitate to fight, always with passion,

History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 2/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

The Origins Of Vietnamese Spiritualism
Rev. Stainton Moses undertook a six-month’s retreat at Mount Athos in which he studied theology, confronting various contradictory theses.An excellent exercise which recalls the spirit, always prone to be doctrinaire, dogmatic, intolerant, to greater humility, wisdom, and truth. He was then named to a little pastorate on the Isle of Man where he never lacked for leisure: Nature, reading, prayer, meditation,

History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 3/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

Those simple words might sum up the essential tendency of Caodaism.

The practical applications that come from it concern:
1) Human brotherhood
2) Kindness toward animals.

History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 4/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

In Religio, la Ravista di Studi Religiosi, Mr.G.Mingiano writes:
" The caodaists are divided into two categories". The first one comprises all the Ecclesiastes, from the "pontife maximum" to the last novice, all bound to a severe diet of chastity, poverty and frugality.(they live exclusively on vegetables and fruits) rigorously observed.The hierarchy is on an initiatic basis and comprises seven grades of initiation: The highest,

History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 5/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

On Saturday May 22nd, 1937, took place that imposing ceremony of which a speech of the Giáo-Sư Thượng-Vinh-Thanh, Chief Assistant of the Foreign Mission of Caodaism or Reformed Buddhism (who is believed to be the reincarnation of Francois Hugo), constitutes the masterpiece.Here are some broad extracts:

History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 6/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

The explanation of the campaign conducted against Caodaism is found in the obstruction that gives rise to the reformed religion the number of faithful which is in Cochinchina, for instance, more than one million out of three million and a half inhabitants.

The former governor of Cochinchina Blanchard de la Brosse is now

History and Philosophy of Caodaism - 7/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

The Holy See of TayNinh gathered in a pamphlet various pages of the Revue Caodaiste (Caodaist Review) and published in 1936 under the title “Caodaism or Reformed Buddhism” (Third Amnesty of God in the Orient), with these words of introduction:
“The pages you are going to read are extracted from the Revue Caodaiste, published at Saigon.
We have been very careful to gather, classify and coordinate them into a small

History and philosophy of Caodaism - 8/8 (Gabriel Gobron)

The religious communion of Caodaism or Đại-Đạo Tam-Kỳ Phổ-Độ ( 3rd Amnesty of God in the Orient) receives its instructions and impulsions from Tây-Ninh’s Holy See.
 It was born in Cochinchina in 1926 and was officially declared by a letter of the late Lê-văn-Trung, former Colonial Counselor,

Official Declaration Addressed By The Founders Of Caodaism. To Mr LE FOL, The Governor Of Cochinchina In SaiGon.

Saigon, 7 October 1926.
To : The Governor of Cochinchina.
The Governor,
We, undersigned, have the honor to respectfully inform you of the following:
There have been in Indochina three Religions (Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism). Our ancestors practiced religiously those three doctrines and lived happily by strictly following the beautiful precepts laid down by the founders of those religions.

Address given by His Holiness Ho-Phap

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
All those who are Incarnate in this world owe a double debt to two Creators who are :
1 . God the Creator or the Eternal, who gives us each a portion of His Eternity, which is represented by our soul. Thanks to this divine spark, we are separated from the other creatures by our intelligence, which leads us towards the Perfection of our being, so that we are led towards the Good and the Beautiful. The aim of each human being is to consolidate this understanding, so that they may form an intellectual torch which illuminates and guides all souls in the way of Wisdom. After we have shed the flesh, that we should leave behind some mutual assistance and education worthy of Humanity is the Will of God.

A Biographical Sketch of His Holiness Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc

The Speech of  Thượng Sanh Cao Hòai Sang /21st May 1964 / 10th Day of the Fourth Lunar Month, Year of the Dragon.His Holiness  Hộ Pháp  Phạm Công Tắc, 5th  December 2006, Tây Ninh)
Translated from the Vietnamese by: Tam Dao & Dr Christopher Hartney
As a representative of the

Metaphysical And Philosophical Considerations (Tran-Quang-Vinh)

With universal brotherhood as its aim, our spirit aspires to the cosmic “dictame” of liberated souls. Our being has come from the Principle Creator from whom all that is intelligible emanates, and our being remains the manifestation of the Element Principle

Caodaism May Help the Understanding of the Spirit

Report presented to the Seventh International Congress of the World Spiritual Council, held in London from May 16-20, 1952, by M. Henri REGNAULT, Vice-President of the International Committee of theWorld Spiritual Council, Delegate of Caodaism.
Last year in Brussels, I showed how Caodaism can play an important role in the reallisation of religious universalism.
Keeping to the theme chosen by the organisers of the London Congress,

Performing Dualism: Experiences of Caodaism (Chris Hartney)

The following paper was presented by Chris Hartney to the Annual Conference of Australian Association for the Study of Religions (AASR), held at St John's College, University of Queensland, 10-13 July 1997. Besides the key addresses, there were over 50 papers presented by academics, scholars, and researchers from different universities and religious organisations in Australia and overseas. The topics covered different aspects of various religions in the world.

The Spiritual Week Interviews Hum Bui.

of the Temple of the Cao-Đài faith in Redlands, California, USA.
QUESTION: Within your faith, what is the difference between the levels of Saint, Sage and Buddha? What do those terms mean to you?

ANSWER: Cao-Đài considers all prophets equally great, but the ways (faiths) they found in order to lead humanity in their spiritual cultivation are classified according to this low to high level:
1- the way of humanity or humanism founded by Confucius who taught essentially human ethics so that people would live in a harmonious community. This level of cultivation is dealing mostly to individual cultivation so that an individual would fulfill his/her duties toward parents, siblings, spouses, family, community, etc.

The Divine Path to Eternal Life (Ho Phap-Pham Cong Tac)

Translated from the Vietnamese by: Dao, Cong-Tam and Christopher Hartney.
Tonight I / Ban Dao come to preach to you for a little while so please try to sit and listen. (The Ho Phap refers to himself throughout as "Ban Dao" or "poor monk")

From tonight Ban Dao would like to speak to you about a most important topic. I need to address this topic over several nights in order to explain it comprehensively. Therefore every fourth night I will come here to talk on this theme. Ban Dao is trying to make an essential present for the children of God the Father - a precious secret to keep at hand in order, one day, for you to find out how to attain the Way.

The New Canonical Codes (Tan Luat)

Preface. All human beings have to recognise what is over our heads. The infinite space over our heads is Heaven / Troi. The Supreme Being who rules this infinite space is the Creator, Ngoc Hoang Thuong De (The Celestial Emperor), the Supreme Head of all the Universe and of the Cosmos.

Today, the Creator has come under the name of CAO-DAI TIEN-ONG DAI-BO-TAT-MA-HA- TAT, to found in Vietnam, through miraculous spiritism, a true Religion of high moral value to save human beings from the reincarnation cycle. This Religion is called DAI-DAO TAM-KY PHO- DO (Great Way/Great Religion for the Third Amnesty/Salvation).

A Brief Introduction to Caodaism

Acknowledgments. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my husband, Khôi Nguyễn, and my daughters Julia Nguyễn and Danielle Nguyễn for their continuous love and support.  Without such support, I could not perform at my highest level.

 I also thank Hiền Tài Dũ Ngọc Nguyễn, The CEO of Lay Dignitaries Caodai International (Tổng Quản Nhiệm Ban Thế Đạo), for being my mentor,

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 1/11

INTRODUCTION: Throughout human history God the Father (The Supreme Being / The Creator) has revealed His Truth many times. His Divine Message has been translated through the mouths of many great prophets, but always these messages have relied on human frailty. The Age has now come where He speaks to humanity directly. The previous two Religious Amnesties saw the rise of Hinduism, Judaism,
Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Christianity, Islam etc.

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 2/11

Caodaism The Third Universal Amnesty of God In a Nutshell
What is Caodaism?
The term Cao Đài literally means "High Tower or Palace", that is, the place where God reigns over the Universe. "Cao Đài" refers to God the Father (The Supreme Being, the Creator, the Ultimate Reality of the Universe). The followers of Đức Cao Đài are thus called Caodaists (Đức means venerable).
The Cao Đài Religion's (or Caodaism's) official name is Đại Đạo Tam Kỳ Phổ Độ.

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 3/11

Fundamental Principles of CaoDai Religion
The doctrine of the Cao Đài Religion tends not only to reconcile all religious views, but also to adapt itself to all degrees of spiritual evolution. A basic principle of Caodaism is "All Religions are One".

1) From a moral point of view, Cao Đài Religion reminds people of their duties towards themselves, their family,

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 4/11

Structure of CaoDai Religion
Since Cao Đài Religion /  Đại Đạo Tam Kỳ Phổ Độ (大道三期普度, Third Amnesty of God in the East, The Great Way of Third Universal Salvation) was founded, God established Pháp Chánh Truyền (法正傳 , The Religious Constitution of Caodaism) and guided the high dignitaries to form the Tân Luật (新律, The New Canonical Codes), and Thế Luật

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Ways of Serving in CaoDai Religion
Within the structures mentioned above, after becoming followers, adherents have many ways of serving which Religious Laws reserve for them. They may enter either the Cửu Trùng Ðài/the Executive Body or the Hiệp Thiên Ðài/the Legislative Body. According to Pháp Chánh Truyền (The Religious Constitution of Caodaism), followers may be elected and hold a post if they can prove their capacity in terms of deeds, words and virtue. Nominations and promotions in the episcopal hierarchy are first submitted to the Popular Council/ Hội Nhơn  Sanh. Then they are submitted to the Sacerdotal Council/ Hội Thánh. They are also submitted to the High Council/Thuong Hoi, and finally must be approved by God or by the Spiritual Pope Li T'ai Pai (Đức Lý Giáo Tông). Almost all the positions in the Caodaist hierarchy can be replaced by election, except those titles directly appointed by God (Đức Cao-Đài)

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 6/11

Practising Caodaism - Duties of Adherents. Caodaists are instructed in their duties and responsibilities to self, family, country, society and humanity, other religious denominations. They also are taught to believe in the Laws of Evolution, the Doctrine of Reincarnation (reimbodiment), Doctrine of Karma (law of cause and effect), in Divine Justice and in the occult Realm

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 7/11

A Summary of Cao-Dai Rituals
Contents.* Method of Worshipping and Making Offerings.
* Methods of bowing and making prostrations before God's altar .
* Method of Worshipping the Divine Mother at a Holy Mother temple .
* Worshipping - major and minor temple ceremonies .
* Periods of Vegetarianism .
* Details for Last Rites and Services for the Dead .
* Placing the Body in the Coffin .
* Asking for Salvation of the Soul .
* Ceremony for Mourning Dress .
* Ceremony for the Procession of the Coffin .
* Ceremony for Interment of the Coffin .
* The Nine Nine-Day Periods / Làm Tuần Cửu.
* The Small Ceremony in the Middle of Mourning Period / Tiểu Tường.
* The Great Ceremony in the End of Mourning Period / Đại Tường.
* Ceremony to Offer Prayers for Souls not in the Religion .

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 8/11

Cao Đài Altar Cao Đài Rituals - Worship and Prayer
The pinnacle of the Great Divine Temple is the Altar to the Supreme Being, (Đức Cao Đài / God / 高臺) placed at the Bát Quái Ðài / 八卦臺 (Eight Trigrams Palace, administered by the Council of the Great Spirits governing the Eight States of Soul,

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Initiation and Its Meaning
According to the Tân-Luật (The New Canonical Codes), anyone who wishes to follow the Religion (CaoDaism) has to be introduced by two followers of outstanding moral rectitude to the head of the parish/head of the Local Congregation. These two sponsors must initiate and guide the new disciple into the path of ethics and morality. Thus the new

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 10/11

Temples / Centres of Caodaism Around the World
The Holy See (Tòa Thánh) and the Holy City (Thánh Địa) as well as the original center of Cao Đài Religion are in the province of Tây Ninh, which is about 100 kilometers northwest of Saigon. The Tây Ninh Holy See is 4 kilometers east of the provincial capital. The Holy City, area of about 20,328 hectares divided into 18 sections or neighborhoods administered by the Church. The Holy See is the site of the Main Temple (Đền Thánh),

Understanding Caodaism A Practical Guide - 11/11

Bibliography / References/ Links. In English Aiken, Warren R . Palace of the Most High. [Article] Journal of Religion and Psychical Research. 1997. 20: (1 Ja) 35-40 .
Aiken, Warren R . Palace of the Most High. [Article] Journal of Religion and Psychical Research. 1997. 20: (1 Ja) 35-40 .
Algar, Liza. Looking into the Divine Eye With a second film version of Graham Greene's The
Quiet American set to open,

Why I Chose The Path Of The DAO (Mike Nally)

I was raised in a very large Irish Catholic family (three brothers, seven sisters). My father was Catholic newspaper editor in Ohio. He knew many Priests, Bishops, even Cardinals of the Church.
The Mass – the liturgy of the church, it’s beautiful and rich rituals with candles, incense the statues of Jesus, the Holy Mother, and all the Saints were very appealing to me.
As a youth, I walked miles to the local Church everyday to serve as an altar boy and kneed close to the gold tabernacle and the body of God.