This is the translation of the holy
teachings of CaoDai, a new faith founded in Vietnam ,
with the goal to unite all religions in harmony and peace. CaoDai believes that
all religions have the same divine origin, have the same ethic based on true
love and the golden rule, and are just different manifestations of the same
truth. CaoDai is a unique religion originating in Southeast
Asia , which recognizes God as Source of the Universe and
all souls, origin of all religions, Who manifested differently in different
epochs and is called by myriad Names.
CaoDai is a universal religion, which considers all
religions One. It teaches human beings, who all have sprung from the same
Source, to live in harmony, love, justice and peace; to enjoy universal sisterhood
and brotherhood; and to cultivate themselves to seek and be reunited with God
in their hearts. CaoDai propounds that God has come and expressed Himself in a
new Way, Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do (The Third Universal Salvation Of The Great
Way), or the CaoDai religion, in 1926
in Vietnam . The
immediate goal of CaoDai is to show human beings that all religions have indeed
one same origin and one same principle, which is love and justice. If human
beings would stop discriminating against each other because of difference in
religions and treat each other with true love and justice (Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you), there would soon be unity of all religions
with religious understanding and tolerance, and subsequently harmony between
humanity and peace on earth. The full name of the Supreme Being is Cao Dai Tien
Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat, in which CaoDai originates from Confucianism that
means the Supreme Being, Tien Ong means Immortals, Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat means
the great Buddha.
The whole name of the Supreme Being embraces the three
main religions of the East. In 1926, the Supreme Being gave the following
message: Nhien Dang Co Phat (an old time Buddha) is Me, Sakya Muni is Me, Thai
Thuong Nguon Thi (an old time Immortal) is Me, Who is Cao Dai. In founding
CaoDai, the Supreme Being teaches man to realize that all religions have one
same origin, and not to discriminate against each other but to love each other
as brother and sister, to cultivate self to find God in one’s heart. A
spiritual message has said: “Out of Love and Mercy, out of respect for life, I
have founded the Great Way 's
Third Revelation to save the earthly human, to help the virtuous attain a world
of peace and avoid reincarnation to the earthly world of suffering.” CaoDai
offers two ways of practice:
1. Exoterism or cultivation according to humanism: a
CaoDai disciple, while conducting a normal family life is:
a. to complete duties toward self, family, society,
country, living beings, and nature.
b. to practice good and avoid evil.
c. to show kindness to nature, plants, animals, human
beings, and to avoid unnecessary destruction of any creature, recognizing that
they all have the Supreme Being's spirit and are part of nature's cycle.
d. to observe five Precepts: do not kill, do not
steal, do not commit adultery, do not get drunk, do not sin by word.
e. to practice vegetarianism at least ten days per
month. This is a way to purify one's body and spirit, to promote love by
avoiding killing living beings, and to maintain the clean and pure environment.
f. to participate in ritual acts of devotion and
worship to the Supreme Being. There are four daily ceremonies, at 6:00 a.m. , noon , 6:00 p.m. , and midnight . At least one
ceremony per day at home is performed.
2. Esoterism: While a disciple performs his duties
toward humanity and is practicing vegetarianism for at least ten days per
month, he may be guided in the practice of esoterism with meditation as a major
The goal is to progressively eradicate the inferior
self and develop the divine element within the self, reaching toward oneness
with the Supreme Being.
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